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Trump’s not a Good Fit for Jackboots

Peter O'Brien

Jul 25 2024

8 mins

It’s now an article of faith among the Left that Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy, that he is unsuitable to be President.  Will that claim be supercharged – gain even more traction – now that Biden, who clearly was not fit to be President, is out of the race?  Probably.

But what evidence is there for this?  No-one ever challenges his detractors to provide such evidence. They never ask, what does this mean in practical terms? I am going to demolish this urban myth.

Let me begin with the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.  This is the major black mark against Trump, arguably, the only one. Chris Uhlmann, who is emerging as one of the best recent acquisitions of The Australian, but is not immune to Trump Derangement Syndrome, had a piece, scathing of Trump, on this subject last weekend.  It does not get off to a good start:

… no matter how you choose to name it, five police who held the line against the mob that day died in the wake of the storming of congress…

Peter O'Brien

Peter O'Brien

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Peter O'Brien

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