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Trump Wounded. God Help America Now

Roger Franklin

Jul 14 2024

3 mins

Guess what happens when you and all your legions  brand a political opponent a dictator, tyrant, rapist and, as voting day draws near, the American Hitler? Here’s what happens:

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop … then a pause and then … pop, pop,pop, pop.

And Donald Trump goes down in the bright sun of a late Pennsylvania afternoon. He clutched an ear as the secret Service piled on and buried him stacks-on-mill. Moving as a scrum, they hustled him offstage, a pumping fist rising out of the mass of bodies  as the knot found the safety of an armoured SUV waiting by the wings.

Briefly to be seen, blood on his right ear, the one he cupped at the first shot, with a trickle marking his cheek.

Who did it? No details yet in these first minutes, nor any word on secondary wounds, although there are reports you can hear ‘Shooter is down! Shooter is down. We’re good to go’ An arrest?

That second bracket of shots, it seems they were from one or more Secret Service agents returning fire.


Roger Franklin

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor


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