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The Slow Joe Must Go Show

Roger Franklin

Jul 04 2024

15 mins

June 27:

On Thursday night, shortly before the air and much else pulsed out of a bloodless Joe Biden, it seemed an even better idea than usual on a sticky summer night to amble around the corner, find a stool at the bar and see just how Donald Trump would go about provoking an irritable old man. This is in New York, the Upper West Side of Manhattan to be precise, where Quadrant Online’s mobile headquarters is taking a rest from the road for the next month or so, and Malachy’s bar has become, for the second time in more than 40 years, my local. A basket of fish and chips costs $15, the jukebox stays at background level so you can talk without going hoarse, and the bartender will shout you every third drink if he recognises a decent tipper. It is, as they say, ‘a neighbourhood joint’ and much appreciated for remaining its dark and narrow self while all about it has gentrified and been transformed.

Would anyone mind switching to the debate? It was not to be. The Yankees were being…

Roger Franklin

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor


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