How Does President Kamala Sound?

Roger Franklin

Jul 12 2024

7 mins

POSTED 5am (AEST): Surely it ends in a few hours. Surely?

Around 8.30am (AEST), two hours from now, Joe Biden will take centre stage at his first full-blown press conference since November. No modern president, not even Ronald Reagan during his second term’s last troubled year managed to keep hard questions at bay for so long. The Gipper, though, could draw on an actor’s residual skills to finesse his part in the Iran-Contra mess, itself a symptom of a declining leader’s ill advised reliance on the likes of Oliver North. As the Great Debate debacle demonstrated, Biden has only the rule book working in his favour: his 3000-odd convention delegates are his and his alone. If he wants the nomination, which despite everything he clearly does, it should by rights be his for the taking.

Or maybe not.

That’s the funny thing about rules — if you break a few, why not smash ’em all? According to several reports overnight, frantic Democrat operatives are phoning individual Biden delegates to…

Roger Franklin

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor


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