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Unsought Advice for our US Friends: Vote Trump

Peter O'Brien

May 08 2024

8 mins

In a powerful speech at the recent CPAC in Hungary, Dutch campaigner Eva Vlaardingerbroek made clear her vision of Europe’s furture. Iit’s not pretty. She believesthe Continent is being invaded by a hostile culture, not by stealth but through the sheer stupidity of powerful elites, particularly those in Brussels.  Muslim immigrants make no bones about it, and they are exploiting the fact that birth rates among European populations are below replacement rate, whereas those of Muslim communities are soaring.  And why wouldn’t they soar when being paid to procreate.

The issue is that this is a worldwide problem. We are not immune, already see its effect in the disgraceful anti-Semitic protests that daily assail us, and the mealy-mouthed response to them by Albanese ministers.  As an example of the latter, it is hard to go past Education Minister Jason Clare, as reported in the Weekend Australian:

I’ve seen people say that those words mean the annihilation of Israel. I’ve seen people say that it means the opposite.

Is this bloke for real?  Are we to believe that thousands of people, flaunting Palestinian flags, and blocking Jewish students from entering campus and chanting ‘from the river to the sea’, are really saying ‘long live Israel’?

Which brings me to Donald Trump. In 2016, I didn’t know much at all about Donald Trump and, initially, I viewed his candidacy for President with curiosity at best. That changed the moment he announced that, if elected, he would pull out of the Paris climate agreement.  From then on, he had a firm supporter in me, albeit one who couldn’t vote.  Up until then, to the best of my knowledge, the only national leader to call out the CAGW scam was Vaclav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic from 2003 to 2013.  So, this was big.  It seemed to me that if the president of the world’s largest economies was prepared to make this stand, it might embolden other world leaders to follow suit.

And Trump was as good as his word.  One of the first things he did as President was to pull the plug on Paris. 

One of the many slurs thrown at Trump is that he is a ‘populist’.  Merriam-Webster defines a populist as “a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people; a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people.”  In other words, not someone who thinks government has all the answers and that the common people must be protected from their own ignorance.   There is a pejorative connotation to the above definition and that is the word ‘claiming’, implying that a populist doesn’t actually believe what he is preaching.  Does anyone seriously believe Trump is just going with the flow of common opinion?

In pledging to pull out of Paris was Trump being populist?  In 2016, was there a groundswell of ‘climate denialism’ among the unwashed that Trump was seeking to exploit?  Or, put another way, were the majority of US voters in 2016 smarter than, say, Australian or British voters?  I’m guessing not.  I’m guessing ‘climate action’ was still largely a vote winner.

In pledging to build the border wall, was Trump being populist?  In 2016, I think this would have been a vote winner in border states, but not a big issue elsewhere.  This time around it will be different.  Is he now being populist in seeking to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, over 7 million of them since Biden took office?  If so, let’s have more populism, please.

Was he being populist when he reduced unemployment among black Americans to its lowest level ever?  Was he being populist when he restored US energy independence?  Was he being populist when he brokered the Abraham accords.  Was he being populist when moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?  Were at least four previous Presidents being populist when they promised to do the same, but failed to do so?  I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture.

Getting back to my original point, it turns out I was wildly over-optimistic.  Not a single world leader followed Trump’s example on Paris.  On this one issue alone, Trump stands head and shoulders above the lot of them. 

For any US reader that may come across this column, here are my five top reasons you should vote for Trump. My top reason is national unity.

One of Trump’s initiatives during his first term – one that was controversial at the time – but gets hardly a mention nowadays, was to ban immigration from a list of certain countries.  His executive order was vigorously challenged and amended twice.  The Supreme Court upheld the third version.  As at February 2020, nationals from a total of 13 countries were impacted including Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, North Korea, Venezuela, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Myanmar, Tanzania and Sudan.  Not all Muslim countries you will note, but I don’t imagine even the luvvies lost much sleep over Venezuelans, Burmese or North Koreans being denied entry to the USA.  But Muslims must be cosseted t all costs.

One of Biden’s first Presidential acts was to reverse this ban.  And to facilitate the current flood of refugees.  Is he unaware of developments in, particularly, the United Kingdom and France?   That the Muslim invasion of those countries is now well advanced?

Trump is having none of this.  Last October, speaking in Iowa, he said,

If you empathize with radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, you’re disqualified. If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you’re disqualified. If you support Hamas or any ideology that’s having to do with that or any of the other really sick thoughts that go through people’s minds – very dangerous thoughts – you’re disqualified.

He also said he would aggressively deport resident aliens with “jihadist sympathies” and send immigration agents to “pro-jihadist demonstrations” to identify violators. He continued,

In the wake of the attacks on Israel, Americans have been disgusted to see the open support for terrorists among the legions of foreign nationals on college campuses. They’re teaching your children hate.  Under the Trump administration, we will revoke the student visas of radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners at our colleges and universities, and we will send them straight back home.

Trump could see the writing on the wall way back in 2016, a prophecy ignored in most of Europe, to those nations severe detriment.

My second top reason is …   Well, let’s not worry about the other four.  All you need is the first.  Everything flows from this one initiative.  Policies come and go.  But this election is, above all, about national values. And in the above statement, Trump has nailed his to the mast.  Compare his words to the mealy-mouthed attitude on this topic of most of the leaders of the Western world.  Including our own State and Commonwealth leaders.  And look where conciliation and tolerance of Muslim intolerance is leading us.

The first duty of the President is to protect his country. 

Also back in October, hapless journalist Don Urquart accused Canadian Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre of ‘taking the populist pathway’ and ‘taking a page out of the Donald Trump book’.  When pressed by Poilievre, Urquhart could not actually specify which page he was referring to. 

Trump’s words above are a ‘page’ that our own Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, would do well to adopt before the next election.  If Trump does get back and re-institutes his immigration regime, it might strengthen the resolve of others to do the same.  But, having said that, given my disappointment over Paris, it’s not a hope in which I will place too much faith.

As Rowan Dean observed on Outsiders last weekend, Britain vilified Enoch Powell and ignored him.  And now they are paying the price.  Many of us too (not me) have vilified Pauline Hanson, but we still have a chance to avoid the fate of Europe.  We must curtail immigration from Muslim countries, starting with Palestine.

That’s, of course, easy for me to say and, I accept, a big call for our mostly pusillanimous politicians.  But we have to start somewhere.  A list of proscribed countries a la Donald Trump’s would be a good place.  (And keep in mind that if the Coalition had pushed back on the CAGW scam from the word go (as I and others advocated in these pages) we might not be in the energy mess we are now in.)

Our own birth rate is below replacement level, but unconstrained immigration is not the answer.  To begin with, immigrants should bring something to the table.  And integration into our way of life should be non-negotiable.  Let’s consign multiculturalism to the dustbin of Australian history.  Call me xenophobic if you like.  It’s a good thing to first fear your enemies.

Peter O'Brien

Peter O'Brien

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Peter O'Brien

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