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Time to Take a Chill Pill, Mr. Pale Face

David Barton

Jun 14 2023

6 mins

These are tough times for conservatives and realists, especially older white male ones. Rather than just sitting around feeling powerless and sorry for ourselves, it’s time to take some positive action, so we’ve formed a new organisation. Welcome to VALIUM, the Victorian Association of Largely Ignored Unwanted Males.

We’re a group of older white men (aka: pale stale males) who have become victims of the modern era. Not only do we no longer fit in with this contemporary society, we’re not welcome in it either. Our VALIUM members are now mostly found sequestered in rural areas, usually frequenting a Men’s Shed, the local RSL, the CFA, or a vintage car club with their polished 1964 EH Holdens.

Politically, VALIUM members remain stalwarts of their local Liberal or National Party branches where anyone under the age of sixty is a rarity. Within the Labor Party, older white males, by now hardened unionists and well indoctrinated socialists, can still readily be found; however, the only older white males to be found at Teals or Greens meetings will be ‘allies’, the compliant, complicit white men there at the behest of bossy wives, or if single, hoping to find a younger female who’s still into the 1960’s ‘free love’ movement.

It’d be different of course if we VALIUMs identified as indigenous, as we’d now be ‘respected elders’ able to impart our cultural knowledge and wisdom gained over thousands of years in our own lifetime. We’d even be called ‘uncle’ by the younger generation and we might even gain a professorship at a respected university to teach absolute nonsense we made up last week.

The idea of now identifying as ‘Aboriginal’ is becoming a tantalising temptation; after all, I do have brown eyes and rather dark skin from my Spanish ancestors. All I have to do now is nip down to the chemist and sign a statutory declaration; what’s so hard about that?

We’re now recruiting new VALIUM members from the surfeit of Victorian timber industry employees, soon to be at a loose end. As the management (and ownership) of Victoria’s state forests are soon to be handed over to ‘Aboriginal’ corporations, we suggest they all grab a stat dec form, get it signed and climb aboard the gravy-train of, err, … oh, sorry, … ‘establish their true identity’, so they too can now take their rightful place back in the forest by getting a well paid government (taxpayer) funded ‘Aboriginal identified’ job to ‘care for country’.

Isn’t it grand that urban-dwelling people who now identify as ‘Aborigines’ carry within them all that knowledge of thousands of years of managing the bush, oops, sorry … ‘Country’? And what a pity that our new VALIUM members who’ve lived and worked in the forests for generations actually know nothing about the bush, doh … ‘Country’, and in fact have trashed it since their colonising forbears first arrived some 200 hundred years ago. Oh, what’s that you say … many of the problems in the bush have actually been from bad policy implemented by successive governments against the clear advice from those who’ve lived and worked in the bush all their lives? No … surely not?

Are we older white males really on ‘the wrong side of history’, as we keep being told, or is history on the wrong side of us? Will non-whites eventually seek to eradicate us – I know there’s many who would like to. It would seem that ‘whites’ are to blame for everything that’s wrong with the world. But in reality, it was principally white males who created the world as we know it today, for good or for bad, but mostly for the good! Yet we receive no accolades for everything we’ve achieved. It’s a bad case of ‘what did the Romans ever do for us’ … well, perhaps the invention of iron tools, steam power, railways, motor vehicles, aircraft, cheap electricity, democracy, the justice system, the rule of law, the presumption of innocence, to name but a few.

So where did we fail? That’s an easy one – we’ve simply been too tolerant. We’ve played by the rules, whereas those who seek to destroy us play by their own rules, and we’ve been stupid enough to let them. One of those key areas has been with uncontrolled migration. Australia is not ‘the most successful multi-cultural country in the world’, not at all. What Labor has achieved through their multicultural polices since the late 1970’s is the creation of tribes right across Australia, enclaves where ethnic and cultural groups have taken over. This is not people living harmoniously and integrated in one big melting pot, it’s geographical tribalism pure and simple. Complicating that, we now have the newly added overlay of Aboriginal lands, tribes and even ‘nations’.

Back in the ‘good ol’ days’ of the 1950’s and 60’s, when Australia was still largely Western-European and ‘British’, we were welcoming of immigrants (but not too many) in our tolerant Christian way, becoming a holistic multi-ethnic but mono-cultural  Australia. Post-WWII we welcomed the Greeks and Italians, the ‘New Australians’, integrated into Australian society. However, that all fell apart in the 1970’s when Whitlam and Grassby introduced ‘multi-culturalism’ and accelerated broader immigration. That’s when we became ‘multi-cultural’, not integrated, and that’s what has divided us into enclaves and tribes.

Think, too, of the ever-growing urban-rural divide. Of the 6.75 million people who live in Victoria, 5.24 million reside in Melbourne — that’s 77.6 per cent — of the state’s population, leaving a mere 1.5 million (22.4 per cent) living in the country. Victoria has a growth rate of 1.63 per cent, yet the total fertility rate in Victoria is only 1.53 children per couple, not enough to replace the population, so the growth rate is coming entirely from immigration.

The top ten countries in order of supplying migrants to Australia for 2021–22 are India, China, United Kingdom, Philippines, Nepal, Vietnam, New Zealand, Hong Kong (now part of China), Pakistan and South Africa. For the same 2021-22 period, the top three countries of humanitarian migrants are Afghanistan, Iraq and Myanmar.1 Despite the entrants from the UK and NZ (who may not always be white) it’s clear that European people are in the minority. The growth of the cities is now accelerating with Labor-favouring immigrants who are, over time, percolating out to rural areas. Combine that with the radically socialist education system also being inflicted on rural areas, and before long the traditional rural conservative values are destined to vanish.

As one leftist activist said to me not so long ago “We don’t care about you; you’ll all be dead soon, it’s the younger ones we’re interested in.” That’s the reality of demographics. With the educational institutions now fully captured at every level, and a largely non-white immigration program in full swing, the socialists have won. With the demise of Western European conservatives, now advancing in years, it would seem that the runaway trains of socialism, multiculturism and demographic change are now unstoppable.

Alas white males, your time has come. This is all so depressing, it’s time for a VALIUM.

Thanks to David Bentley for ideas and editing with this article




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