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Three More Months and We Should Know

Peter Smith

Nov 10 2021

4 mins

Warning to the vaccinated of nervous disposition: Best to read no more and avoid learning about the latest UK death stats.

The UK Health Security Agency has replaced in name Public Health England in issuing ‘COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reports. The latest is for week 44, issued this month. Among other things, these reports list cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status. Interesting, I think, as an insight into the results likely here when the maturity of our vaccination rollout is about equal to the UK’s. I roughly calculate this to be in three months’ time, plus or minus.

I will look collectively at the age groups 80 and over, 70-79, 60-69 and 50-59 in the latest report. These are the age groups which, together, contain the overwhelming number of deaths.

Over weeks 40 to 43 (roughly October) 6,147 people of the age range 50 to 80+ were admitted to hospital. Of these, 4,805 (78%) were fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to testing positive. Of the 2,972 deaths in the same period, 81% were fully vaccinated.

Excuses are made. To quote in full, to be fair:

In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective. This is especially true because vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease. Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of COVID-19.

I don’t buy it.

Something over 90% of those 50 years of age and over have been vaccinated. Therefore, it is true that the rate of death among the unvaccinated is over twice that of the vaccinated. But I would have expected it to be twenty times, or even more. For comparison, while rarely you might still get infected, you are extremely unlikely to die of smallpox, if you’ve been jabbed within the previous three to five years.

Don’t tell me and other poor saps that what’s happening was expected. Over 4,800 admitted to hospital and over 2,400 deaths among those fully vaccinated in a four-week period? Gimme a break! That’s precisely why Boris is spruiking booster jabs:

Unfortunately, what you’ve got at the moment is a situation in which the waning of the original two jabs is starting to see too many elderly people getting into hospital … Sadly, the jabs do wane. We’ve done 10 million booster jabs already and it’s a very effective thing … It’s a wonderful thing, people get 95 per cent more protection, so I’m encouraging everybody today to go online if you’ve gone over five months, you can go online and book.

When, I wonder, will a second, third booster, ad infinitum, be all, in their turn, “wonderful things? Surely at some point someone, somewhere that matters, has to call a stop to the madness. Unless that happens, my grandchildren now aged one to nine years (and your children or grandchildren of similar ages, if you have them; none facing material risk from the virus) will soon be forced into being vaccinated with, effectively, experimental vaccines.

You don’t think coercion will apply? Think again. Little unvaxxed Gillian and Johnny will be segregated at school, forced to wear masks all day. Alluding to yellow stars is a stretch, but it rings a bell. The virus has let loose a more virulent affliction; fascists in government and, regrettably, in our midst.

Look at Perrottet. First order of business as Premier: ordering an extension of the time law-abiding but unvaccinated citizens are excluded from participating in social activities. Second order: allowing the (masked) vaccinated to sing in church, but prohibiting the unvaccinated. Petty? Yes, but isn’t that like fascists the world over. Sausage rations cut for you, citizen or comrade, unless you toe the party line. Fewer social credits.

We are truly going down the tubes. COVID, climate and cancel culture are symptoms of a deeper malaise. Common sense is now the rarest of commodities. Grotesque over reactions rule the day.

Some wacko on my local council wanted the name of my road changed – consisting of hundreds of dwellings and many businesses – because she didn’t approve of the chap (1803-51) who it’s named after. Is it surprising then that a disease, mild in the scheme of things, and a slight inconsequential warming of the planet, each sets the March hares running?

Peter Smith

Peter Smith

Regular contributor

Peter Smith

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