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The Joe You Wouldn’t Want to Know

Tony Thomas

Jun 10 2024

15 mins

“When you talk to people who have spent time around Joe Biden, including Republicans, there is one word that keeps coming up …extraordinarily decent person … the most decent, honourable politician I’ve ever known… a person with decency  ABC icon Leigh Sales shilling for Joe Biden days before the 2020 election.

“…showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)”Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley’s diary, concerning her childhood


On April 10, ABC News ran a mysterious and lengthy 1300-word piece about a woman nicking a diary owned by Ashley Biden (above), only daughter of President Joe and “Dr” Jill Biden. Ashley was recuperating from her drug addiction and sex obsession, and diarising as self-therapy.

The ABC piece is by Brianna Morris-Grant. They (not she) “got their start as a journalist for the Gold Coast Bulletin in 2018 … They also worked as the GCB‘s social media editor before joining the ABC National News Desk.” Good for they!

(editor’s note: Enough already with the ‘they’ rubbish, Tony. At QoL, unlike the ABC, we don’t venerate nitwits. From here on, it’s “she”, “her” and “Ms”.)

Somehow, even without having seen her tweets, I intuited she would also be Palestine-friendly and, sure enough, that seems a popular opinion: the Zionist Federation last week put in a massive 1,000 word complaint to the ABC alleging multiple errors, biases and omissions in Brianna’s co-authored Gaza timeline.

I also intuited that Ms Morris-Grant (right) might be a signer of anti-Israel petitions. Well, she hasn’t signed any of the recent ones I know of, but three years ago she signed a predecessor rant including

We note that, seventy-three years after the Nakba, the 1948 forced expulsion by Israel of 750,000 Palestinians, both Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem have declared that Israel maintains an apartheid regime against Palestinians… we call on editors and publishers to … respect the rights of journalists and media workers to publicly and openly express personal solidarity with the Palestinian cause without penalty in their professional lives.

You have to wonder, don’t you, why ABC news director Justin Stevens would allow a professed anti-Israel editorial staffer to be drafting allegedly anti-Israel timelines for the ABC audience. And Ms  signed off on more than 20 ABC blog pieces on the Gaza war, and a piece last December recycling through a Gaza medico all the Hamas ‘ceasefire’ talking points? (Hasn’t she ever heard of Hamas’ “human shield” strategies?)[1] No wonder the Zionist Federation arced up. Anyway if Brianna ever gets to Palestine/Gaza, I hope for her sake Hamas and the PLO respect the gender-fluid and their pronouns.

Sorry about the digression but whether its Gaza or Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, the first rule is, “Check out the ABC author.” In reporting, sort of, on Ashley’s stolen diary, Morris-Grant reveals how diary thief Aimee Harris hoped to make a “shit ton of money” by selling the diary to Trump and his followers, because the contents would “embarrass” the Biden campaign. Why? Because some entries were “highly personal”, we learn from Brianna, who wrote it, drawing on Associated Press and other US liberal media.

What these “highly personal” revelations are, the ABC never gets around to letting us know. Ethics, you know. Decency. Stolen property. Invasion of privacy…

Not that the ABC had any scruples about revelling in, say, the Steele dossier’s fakery about Trump ogling Russian prostitutes pee-ing on a Moscow hotel bed earlier occupied by St Barack and Michelle. The Hillary Clinton machine commissioned and paid for that fake dossier and passed it to the FBI’s director (and Leigh Sales’ fave G-man) James Comey, who in turn used this fakery for the benefit of Hillary Clinton, such as getting a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. One way or another the dossier travelled illegally to Buzzfeed, which published it, followed by a pile-on by the mainstream media and our/Their ABC.

When the ABC suppresses material, it awakens my curiosity. In this Ashley diary case the “highly personal” revelations by Joe’s daughter involve her speculations as to why she became, in her words, “hypersexualised” at a very young age.

From Page 23, dated January 30, 2019, Ashley explores the topic of sexual abuse and how it may have led to her overactive sex drive. “I’ve had one of my hardest days – my sex drive is out of f**king control. Like literally, I am in heat,” she wrote. She needed “sex to feel good… I know it’s not the healthiest way to deal with things but @ least it’s better than drugs.” (p24).

She explains that she’s pretty sure someone in her childhood molested her. She also thinks a factor could have been pop Joe Biden’s penchant for lathering up with her in the shower. Given her youth and awakened sexuality, that was “probably not appropriate”, she writes, in something of an understatement. The entry reads (p24-26),

“I remember pulling up my skirt in second grade and showing the boys my underpants. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so. I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma… I remember somewhat being sexualized with [her first cousin] Caroline [Biden]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); being turned on when I wasn’t suppose [sic] to be. I remember… beating my vagina due to overhearing parents having sex…’

The Trump team refused the diary and Aimee Harris then sold it to the conservative outlet Project Veritas. They didn’t publish it but it leaked from there to another conservative outlet National File, which did publish it. If so inclined, you can read the whole diary here.

Ashley, now 43, wrote to Judge Laura Swain last April 8 and urged her to give Aimee Harris a stiff jail sentence. The letter is a public document. In it Ashley concedes that the diary version published by National File is authentic while deploring the trauma caused by Harris’s invasion of her privacy. Harris pled a litany of mitigating factors including poverty, domestic violence victimhood, care for her young children and you-name-it. She still ended up with a month’s jail and a tongue lashing from Judge Swain as a despicable lowlife.

The top legacy/liberal US media, from the New York Times down, closed ranks to spare President Joe getting any media questions about whether he did indeed shower inappropriately with his teen or sub-teen daughter (hostile accounts put Ashley at 11-13 but this seems guesswork).

For three years after after the story broke, Biden’s US media cheer squad supposed or stated that the diary contents were forgeries unworthy of publicity — the same line they used to suppress the Hunter Biden genuine laptop contents to help get Biden over the presidential finish line in 2020.

Among the dross is a purported Ashley entry much quoted by Trump fans which includes this:

“I so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that Ive waited until late at night, to take a shower. (Diary p67-68).”

The passage is not on p67-68, and I spent hours combing the published 112 pages with nil result (the diary is hand-written and in .pdf format, offering no search short-cuts). In short, the second shower reference is someone’s disinformation. This reinforced the pro-Biden camp’s assertion that there’s no scandal in the published diary at all concerning Joe Biden. But Ashley’s diary reference to Joe’s “inappropriate” showering with her is the real deal.

Biden’s attraction towards pre-teen girls for years has involved hair-sniffing, suggestive chats and “handsy” behaviour. Numerous news videos show small girls (and older ones) wincing and recoiling (thank heavens for Sky News). This background makes Ashley’s ‘inappropriate-shower’ reference doubly disturbing. Sure, anti-Trumpers can quote cringe-worthy sayings and behaviours by Trump, but nothing as bad as Biden’s showering proclivities as described by his daughter.

Purists might condemn me for re-publishing the diary’s public contents. But suppose someone purloined a diary of Trump’s wife, Melania. In this hypothetical diary she writes of her outrage and hurt over her man’s infidelities and indiscretions. She even (in my imagination) reveals previously unknown Trump sexual perfidies in his pre-political era. Would any sane person dispute that the liberal/legacy media would refrain from publishing it. They’d be shouting it from the rooftops! Melania’s misanthropy meditations would be the media’s drumbeat 24/7 to the last minute of November 5’s looming poll.

Drug-prone thief Aimee and her pal, Robert Kurlander, (guilty plea but not yet sentenced) are mere mice crushed by the FBI arm of Biden’s deep state. The FBI has now swung into action against a bigger political target — right-winger James O’Keefe and Project Veritas. Their toe-curling undercover video stings against Pfizer vaccine executives, New York Times shonky reporters, Planned Parenthood, teachers unions and Democrat Party tacticians have caused the Democrat camp acute embarrassment.[2] O’Keefe has since had an acrimonious parting with Veritas, which he founded, and now does much the same thing under the umbrella of the O’Keefe Media Group.

In the diary-theft affair, ten FBI men raided the home of O’Keefe at 6am using klieg lights and a battering ram. They seized phones and documents and handcuffed OKeefe in his underwear.

The background is that Project Veritas paid the Aimee/Kurlander pair $US20,000 each but didn’t publish the diary. They created a purported federal offence by alleged back-and-forth manoeuvres across state lines to get hold of maximum damaging material from Ashley Biden’s stash left behind at the Florida half-way house. My guess is that the FBI won’t stop this lawfare until O’Keefe (left) is kitted out in orange pyjamas.

Biden daughter Ashley did some stump campaigning for Joe Biden’s 2020 election.[3] In 2009 there was a $US2 million attempt to blackmail her over a cocaine-snorting video. But now with her diary, it’s like putting a missing piece into the appalling jigsaw of Joe Biden’s family and private life. Here’s a snapshot

♦ Then-Senator Biden is accused in 2020 by junior employee Tara Reade of molesting and groping her in a Senate hallway in 1993.

Wikipedia: In a March 25, 2020, interview with Katie Halper, Reade alleged that Biden had pushed her against a wall, kissed her, put his hand under her skirt, penetrated her with his fingers, and asked, “Do you want to go somewhere else?”[12][36]Reade told National Public Radio(NPR) for an April 19 article, “His hands went underneath my clothing and he was touching me in my private areas and without my consent.”[36]Reade told The Intercept her impression was that Biden believed he had consent and was surprised when she rejected him.[37]Reade told The New York Times for an April 12 article that when she pulled away from Biden, he looked puzzled and said, “Come on, man, I heard you liked me.” She then said he told her “You’re nothing to me, nothing,” followed by “You’re OK, you’re fine.”[16]

Unlike numerous corroboration-free assault accusations against conservatives (Justice Kavanagh/Christine Blazey, Trump/E. Jean Carroll), the Democrat-supporting and distressed Reade had reported Biden’s attack to several named family and friends. She took harassment complaints to Senate bureaucrats, and suffered career shut-down. Media interest: minor.

♦ The House Oversight Committee, in its Joe Biden impeachment inquiries, lays out from bank records the Biden family getting $US24m from Hunter-led influence peddling overseas while his father was vice-president. Multiple documents and testimonies attest Joe Biden’s involvements, notwithstanding Joe’s point-blank denials.[4] According to Hunter Biden, Joe Biden enriched himself by taking a 50 per cent cut of the family’s multi-million influence-peddling industry.[5]

♦ Joe himself has $US5.2 million in unexplained income from 2017-19. Hunter’s laptop texts mention 10% of a planned multi-million profit from the Chinese CEFC financiers for “the Big Guy”, Joe Biden. The New York Post’s investigative reporters calculate that the Biden family has done five deals in China totaling $US31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

♦ Talentless and depraved Hunter, according to IRS whistle-blower Gary Shapley, enjoyed total earnings for 2014-19 of $US8.3 million from shaking down corrupt Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian and Kazakh tycoons. The Chinese are affiliated with the Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army. He spent it on crack, high living and sessions with several prostitutes at a time. His laptop is full of selfie porn videos of himself naked and drugged out with young women, one pic showing M&Ms lined up along his erect penis. He is being arraigned for alleged seven-figure tax evasion. He also wrote off $US106,000 worth of payments to hookers and sex clubs as business expenses, an alleged tax crime authorities had been happy to overlook until an astonished judge scrapped one of the most lenient plea bargains ever put on paper. Not only would Hunter face minimal penalties, he was also to be made immune from further prosecution for the rest of his life.  Contrast that with the New York kangaroo court which last month gave Trump “convicted felon” status for, at worst if a crime at all, a petty bookkeeping error.

♦ When Beau died of brain cancer in 2015, Hunter within days (or even one day) after Beau’s death began regular sex with his brother’s widow, Hallie, and was soon concurrently running an affair with her married elder sister, Elizabeth. Plus he fathered a daughter with a stripper who recently received a settlement with the rider that she must never let the child use the Biden name. Until shamed by media scrutiny, Joe Biden refused for years to recognise this granddaughter

♦ Joe Biden has been fiercely for gun control, two years ago signing into law the Safer Communities Act, with gun violation penalties upped from a maximum 10 years to 15 years goal. “It keeps guns out of the hands of people who are a danger to themselves and to others,” he explained. That was around the time when Hunter bought a Colt Cobra .38 Special, and signed the required papers to attest that he was drug free. His lover, Hallie,  tossed the gun into a bin near a Delaware grocery store and high school. Hunter is now on trial for lying to purchase the gun, which prosecutor’s say was recovered with a dusting of cocaine.

♦ Just last October, a naked tanned-and-ripped selfie (caution: not safe for work) of Frank Biden, the president’s youngest brother, was discovered on a gay hook-up site He was by his bathroom mirror with the toilet seat up. The authentic picture was first posted in 2018 when Frank was 64 and in a ten-year partnership with Mindy Ward, a one-time Hooters waitress.[6] He denied uploading his selfie to the pornsite and said his phone had been hacked.

Frank influence-peddled into lucrative jobs, with Vice-President Joe assisting with ostentatious phone calls during Frank’s meetings with partners.[7]

Frank has a sizeable rapsheet for drink and driving offences. In 1999 his rented Jaguar, doing 80mph in a 35mph zone, killed a pedestrian, a 38-year-old father . One of two women in the back seat told police that ‘everyone was drinking’. Wealthy Frank spent 20 years evading a $US1 million compensation judgement to the victim’s heirs. The Daily Mail has a Hunter text accusing Joe Biden of letting brother Frank give Hunter and his late brother Beau, when children, driving lessons when drunk. You let Uncle Frankie get be [sic] Beau and I driving lessons when he was more f***ed up than I’ve ever seen a person,’ Hunter wrote to Joe. ‘He had Beau go 79 miles p/h from our neighborhood entrance…. It was actually fun.’

♦ Joe Biden’s brother Jim: facilitator of Hunter’s role as bagman for the Biden clan. (Miranda Devine’s Laptop from Hell, p42) [8] He extracts from Hunter in May 2018 $US82,500 for “monthly retainer for international business development.” (p3). Chinese conglomerate CEFC sends $US5 million to Jim and Hunter via intermediaries (p175). When the FBI arrests CEFC executive Patrick Ho for bribery (Hunter calls him “literally the fucking spy chief of China”), Ho’s first phone call from the slammer is to Jim Biden (p178). Jim says Ho mis-dialled.

♦ Ashley’s diary mentions Jim’s daughter, Caroline, with whom she says she was “somewhat sexualised”. Caroline Biden, then 31, pleaded guilty on July 26 , 2018, to racking up over $100,000 in charges on a friend’s credit card she stole. She was sentenced to two years of probation, which she asked to serve in California near cousin Hunter Biden. She was busted in 2017 for using the card at Bigelow’s pharmacy, where face cremes can run to hundreds of dollars.

♦ President Joe Biden escaped document-hoarding felony prosecution last February when Special Counsel Robert Hur reported that a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” would be difficult to convict. 

I admit this piece has followed a roundabout path but I hope to have provided some education along the way. You might still agree with Leigh Sales that Joe is an extraordinarily decent person, whether or not he showered with his nubile daughter.

Tony Thomas’s latest book from Connor Court is Anthem of the Unwoke – Yep! The other lot’s gone bonkers. $34.95 from Connor Court here

[1] Brianna: “At least 560 Palestinians have been killed and 2,900 wounded in Israeli air strikes on the blockaded enclave since Saturday, said Gaza’s Health Ministry.”

[2] Founder O’Keefe quit Veritas amid acrimony last year  

[3] Wikipedia: In August 2020, Ashley Biden spoke at the 2020 Democratic National Convention before her father accepted the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination.[45][46][47] On August 6, Ashley Biden hosted an organizing event for Wisconsin Women for Biden to discuss the Women’s Agenda, released by her father’s campaign, and bring awareness to women’s issues in the 2020 United States presidential election.[48]

[4] One text between Hunter associates reads: ‘Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.’

[5] In a text to his daughter Naomi, Hunter claimed he gave Joe half his income.

‘Unlike Pop [Joe] I won’t make you give me half your salary,’ he wrote to her on January 3, 2019.

[6] Appreciative comments on the picture include: ‘Daddy take me away!’ and “Make me your b-tch Daddy!”

[7] Joe Biden used the same phone-in technique to consolidate Hunter’s status during Hunter’s influence-peddling scams.

[8] Devine, Miranda: Laptop from Hell. Post Hill Press, New York 2021. p42

Tony Thomas

Tony Thomas

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Tony Thomas

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