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If Not For Lies They Would Be Mute

Peter Smith

Jun 08 2020

6 mins

This is part of a “news” item in The Telegraph (UK) on 6 June:

President Donald Trump has said that strong new jobs numbers marked a “great day” for George Floyd, the man whose killing last week sparked nationwide protests over police brutality against African-Americans.

Apparently referring to a surge in employment, Mr Trump said: “Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying, ‘This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.’ “This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody.”

The reporters who wrote this, Josie Ensor and Gareth Davies, are either malicious liars or completely and utterly incompetent. And, when it comes to Trump, ditto for much of the MSM everywhere.

I saw the live press briefing on TV as it was happening. It could not have been misinterpreted. When Trump brought Floyd into the picture he was talking about civil rights and Floyd’s death bringing renewed focus and energy into seeing that everybody is treated equally by law enforcement. He was not at all referring to job numbers. And, to reiterate, no such interpretation could possibly have been inferred by any honest reporter. Below, Trump’s actual words in context:

Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it. We all saw what happened last week. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, “This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.” It’s a great day for him, it’s a great day for everyone. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality. It’s really what our Constitution requires and it’s what our country is all about.

Lying is a practiced art of those on the Left. Trump has put it into overdrive. Without shame, they will tell any lie, omit any fact, commit any stunt, distort and contort any account, fudge any numbers, and practise any deceit in their vendetta to get Trump. Nothing is off limits.

Conspiracies were afoot before he ever was elected – an “insurance policy” in case Trump were to win, as the lovestruck FBI duo Lisa Page and Peter Strzok put it. Colluding with Russia, heavying the Ukrainians to investigate Biden, mishandling COVID-19 causing death, preferring death to Covid-19 lockdowns, and now the latest lie, gingering-up race riots. What nefarious act will this rascally Trump get up to next? We only know that in their Trump-deranged fevered minds he will do something which they will wield to try to bring him down.

But they’re tangling with a giant. There he was in the Rose Garden. Large as life, beaming over the job numbers, after he’d been berated for days for his non-existent culpability for the rioting and only a day or so after his own defence secretary had sold him down the river. He is by a country mile the strongest leader since Winston Churchill. Let me add, because that’s not enough. I just can’t envisage any leader apart from him, being able to put up with the constant, day-in and day-out barrage of vituperative sniping, insults and slander which comes his way from the phonies and poseurs who appear to make up most of the media, academia, entertainment industry and inner-city elites.

Why do they despise him? He’s a threat to their aim to tear down capitalism, our civilisation, our traditions, our past heroes, our national pride, and all the things we hold dear. They are communists whether they badge themselves that way or not. Christianity, family life, the individual’s right to life liberty and happiness is anathema to them. Take the time to listen to Trump. He might exaggerate at times and irritatingly get off the point but make no mistake, this is a man guided by truth and by common sense.

He aptly described the Democrats’ Green New Deal as “baby-talk” in his Rose Garden press briefing. And he is right, and who has ever put it better. It’s infant-minded babble.

He knows that capitalism and nothing else is the key to prosperity. He knows that a nation cannot stand without strong borders. He knows that America cannot retain its place in the world without a peerless military. He knows that skewed trade deals have sapped America’s strength, resilience and self-reliance. He knows that activist judges are intent on subverting American values. And, uniquely, he has the nous, the will and the strength to do something about it. And given a few more years, yet more Americans and, yes, even African-Americans, will appreciate the results. He’s a threat all right.

A final comment on George Floyd.  Police didn’t randomly stop him. They were called by a store clerk who claimed that Floyd had paid with a forged $20 bill. He was a big man. Apparently, he resisted arrest and had a cocktail of fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system. Did the police treat him humanely? It didn’t look a bit like it to me but, at the same time, he would almost certainly have survived if not for underlying health conditions.

How sickened am I at the treatment of Floyd? Last month a four-year-old Brisbane girl with Down Syndrome, Willow Dunn, was “found decomposed in her cot with sores on her body so deep that bones were exposed after [allegedly] being starved and left to die.” That sickens me. There are many sickening things done under the sun – Floyd’s treatment is somewhere on that long list.

Per confrontational contact, cops kill many more whites in America than they do blacks. Blacks kill far more blacks than does any other race. Blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks. Blacks kill more cops than cops kill unarmed blacks. Blacks are far more likely to have contact with the police because they commit many more crimes than do whites. Black crime is the problem. Best to reiterate. Criminal activity by blacks is a blight on America and is directly responsible for black deaths at the hands of police. It has nothing to do with racism.

The Black Lives Matter movement is a complete beat-up based on lies – the Left’s abiding stock-in-trade. The protests in the US are a beat-up based on lies. The copy-cat protests elsewhere, including here, are even more of a beat-up. White elites in the US prostrating themselves in front of the mob because of their “white privilege” are cringeworthy disgraces to humanity. Worse than the rioters and looters.

Peter Smith

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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