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Dim, Dimmer, Dhimmitude

Peter Smith

Jun 13 2018

6 mins

Death is the sentence…There’s nothing to be embarrassed about…Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them [homosexuals] now.”                            — Islamic scholar Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar in April 2017 in Orlando

“Oh, Allah, count them [Jews] one by one and annihilate them down to the very last one.”
                                      — Imam Ammar Shahin in July 2017 in California

Two examples, of many, of (real) hate speech inspired by the religion of peace.


calif killersNo peace for these English white girls in Oxford (an estimated fifty-plus of them), ages from 11 to 15 years when the abuse started. As reported in The Guardian on January 16, 2013,

“They were subjected to humiliating and degrading conduct, including biting, suffocation, burning and scratching. Weapons, including knives, baseball bats, and meat cleavers were used during the torture, the court heard. The jury was told that sometimes men [all told, five Muslims of Pakistani and two of East African heritage] had urinated on the girls, who were raped vaginally, orally and anally.”

And this is just one, just one, of many Muslim grooming horrors staining the green and pleasant land.

It isn’t just Muslim men who are in the tank for a vengeful Allah. Safaa Boular, 18 years old and of Moroccan descent, sister Rizlaine, 22, and their mother, Mina Dich, 44, were found guilty earlier this month of plotting a deadly terrorist offence in London. “All three women were filled with hate and toxic ideology,” according to Britain’s top counter-terrorism cop. Toxic is the word. Please note, it is no accident: it comes instructionally and authentically from Islamic scripture.

Someone around the coffee table asked, “why do people convert to Islam?” “Why in all that’s holy?” is appropriately emphatic. I pondered whether the question was too general. Converts inside or outside prisons? On reflection, I don’t think it makes much difference. Personal inadequacy is the key.

Islamic conversions are widespread in European and American prisons, disproportionately among blacks in America. Reliable numbers are hard to come by but here is the Huffington Post, which has no incentive to exaggerate, on May 7, 2013:

Prison officials, prison chaplains and scholars claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion behind bars… estimates suggest that 35,000-40,000 inmates convert to Islam each year… it is estimated that 15 percent of the U.S. prison population is Muslim, or as much as 350,000 current Muslim inmates…prisons have made the African-American male convert a staple of African Americana.

Various reasons are suggested for black conversions, including a harking back to some golden historical era – e.g., Moorish Spain – when and where blacks were apparently top dogs. Pathetic but intelligible. But the main reason for all conversions is obvious enough. Islam provides an us-against-them ‘brotherhood’ which is comforting to the those who find the world intimidating when faced alone as an individual. It is indeed intimidating. However, those with a smidgin’ of self-worth don’t sell their souls to collectives spruiking religious division, intolerance and supremacism.

Australian prisons are also fertile recruiting grounds for Islam. Christopher Knaus in The Guardian (18 January) sub-heads his piece, “Experts say prison conversions can be a positive force.” Ali Kadri, of the Islamic Council of Queensland, is the relevant expert. He is reported as believing that “religious conversions are a force for good.” He would say that, wouldn’t he? Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Pope Francis would no doubt express the same generic sentiments. But that’s not the point. There are no mass religious conversions in prisons, except to Islam. Ali Kadri and his bros are on a winner.

That’s inside prisons, but how about outside? Pew Research recently published the results of an American survey of those leaving and joining religions – “The share of Americans who leave Islam is offset by those who become Muslim,” the report found. In this profane age it is to be expected that more people will lose religion than gain it. That certainly applies to Christianity; but not, apparently, to Mohammedism.

The Pew survey found that 22% of those raised as Christian no longer identified with the faith. This was on a par with Muslims for which the comparable figure was 23%. However, only about 6% of Christians identified as converts to the faith while the figure for Muslims was (again) 23%. A net “wash” for Islam as against a net loss for Christianity. Ominously, extrapolation of this trend leads to Muslims eventually outnumbering Christians – the more so if immigration and fecundity continue to be factors boosting Muslim population growth. Be concerned.

The two main reasons given for converting were: “Preferred the beliefs, teachings of Islam/find more meaning in Islam” and “Read religious texts/studied Islam.” Both are ridiculous. The respondents were telling plausible ‘porkies’. Just try to wade through the tortuous verbiage in the Koran and the Sunna.

None of converts to Islam have actually read and comprehended the texts and teachings. And, if any did and still converted they would be barbarians. These texts and teachings are dosed with poison. They flaunt a divide between Muslims and the rest to which any indignity can be meted out onto slavery and death.

Go to the third reason given for converting to get close to the truth – “wanted to belong to a community.” Psychological assessments are required rather than surveys. I think they would find this particular reason to be the most compelling for those either inside or outside prison. Cults have no difficulty in finding needy followers, and Islam is the biggest cult of them all. To give it the respectability of calling it an Abrahamic faith is an affront both to reason and to the Judeo-Christian God. In fact, as Churchill so aptly put it, “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” If only the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury had the same accurate insight. I suspect chief rabbis do.

Overwhelmingly, in my view, only those whose self-esteem, character or, perhaps, intellectual capacity is well below par convert to Islam. It can’t be explained any other way. Be careful though. Sheer numbers matter. Sense and sensibility are no match for a half-witted mob intent on beheading infidels. And, make no mistake, moderate Muslim down the road might not act so moderately come the witching hour when Muslims have the reins of power. Human nature has its dark side and Islam is clearly adept at bringing this out.

There is an existential problem. Violent criminals are turning to a cult, which licences the subjugation of women and the enslavement and killing of non-believers. According to ‘The Religion of Peace’ website, some 33,000 deadly Islamic terrorist attacks have occurred since 9/11. Christianity, the most civilising, uplifting and enlightened of religions, is in decline. But this is just the appetiser.

The Muslim population of the world is around 1.8 billion. Fifty million-plus and growing are inside the gates; and climbing into prominent positions. It is no accident that Tommy Robinson is in jail while rape gangs are allowed for years to go about their business. Political correctness has been weaponised by influential Muslims and useful idiots of all political persuasions to camouflage an insidious encroachment. And standing in its way are effete and feckless political and Christian leaders.

Where is it all heading? I don’t know. It sure ain’t a promising scenario. Pessimism is apropos. But optimism keeps at bay my woe.

Make Christendom great again!


Peter Smith

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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