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50 Reasons Why Normies Should Vote ‘No’

Roger Franklin

Jul 11 2023

3 mins

Unless Anthony Albanese, taking note of the rapidly declining support for the Voice, decides to cut his losses by postponing the referendum, Australians will soon be asked to authorise a pointedly unexplained addition to the Constitution that opens a host of possibilities, none of them good.

That’s one key reason to oppose the Voice. Here are 50 more:

1/ Because you still can

2/ Because you’re sick and tired of woke

3/ Because BHP shouldn’t have opinion on anything except digging stuff out of holes

4/ Because Wesfarmers has no business giving $2 million of shareholder cash to the Yes camp

5/ Because every Yes-backing sporting code in the country has been bought with grants and handouts

6/ Because Albanese & Co can’t or won’t explain what they have in mind.

7/ Because you don’t approve of Melbourne being renamed Narrm

8/ Because, sooner or later, the High Court will get involved

9/ Because the High Court has been known to indulge in judicial ratbaggery

10/ Because Australians need their very own ‘Bud Lite moment

11/ Because the National Press Club tells us we should

12/ Because the ABC and Nine newsrooms will be awash with tears if Yes loses

13/ Because a No victory will prompt the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments at The Guardian

14/ Because you’re sick and tired of being called a racist

15/ Because Dan Andrews wants it and so does Victoria’s empty-suit opposition leader

16/ Because you’ve never given an Aborigine infected blankets

17/ Because you’ve never distributed poison flour

18/ Because the Massacre Map isn’t history, it’s elements of truth larded with a lot of agit-prop

19/ Because you’ve been silent about too much for too long

20/ Because you don’t need welcoming to your own country

21/ Because, if you’re a New Australian or recently descended from such, what harm did your ancestors ever do an Aborigine?

22/ Because Bruce Pascoe

23/ Because it was fun to hear Linda Burney’s slurred mispronunciation of ‘Aborishnial’, but the novelty has worn off

24/ Because a No victory will do serious harm to Anthony Albanese’s leadership

25/ Because Anthony Albanese will have a target on his back

26/ Because few things are quite so amusing as watching comrades counting numbers, sharpening knives and lopping heads

27/ Because a No win will make Marcia Langton more irate than usual

28/ Because, unlike gender fluidity and other noxiously fashionable memes, the Voice is the one woke narrative you can stomp

29/ Because your blue-haired niece caused a scene at the last Christmas dinner

30/ Because, if you have no black blood whatsoever, you’ll have only slightly less than some Voice campaigners

31/ Because, as Salvatore Babones notes, at this rate we’ll all be Aborigines by 2080

32/ Because scholarly, accurate but unsettling accounts of Aboriginal life and customs are being removed from library shelves

33/ Because we shouldn’t be having this referendum in the first place and, Yes or No, race relations and resentments will be worse in its wake

34/ Because Noel Pearson’s constant insults deserve a ballot-box rebuke

35/ Because Noel Pearson is always ready for his closeup

36/ Because a Voice won’t stop what’s happening every night in Alice Springs

37/ Because Aborigines don’t trace the bulk of their lineage to Malaysia, the Philippines, Nuie, Vanuatu and Singapore

38/ Because you’re weary of being told how to think

39/ Because your kids are being taught what to think

40/ Because Pat Dodson refuses to remove his hat in the Senate

41/ Because bar associations, undoubtedly aware of the potential for lucrative litigation, are backing Yes

42/ Because the voting booth makes you immune to doxing, cancelling and workplace retribution

43/ Because of the newly legislated shakedowns by WA’s ‘indigenous cultural consultants’

44/ Because you’ve endured enough politically correct lectures from self-righteous dills to last a lifetime

45/ Because a clan pursuing a subsistence existence is not and never was ‘a nation’

46/ Because ‘a story the aunties told me’ isn’t reliable primary-source material

47/ Because you’re unfashionably normal

48/ Because normies are no longer found in newsrooms, on government benches, in academia or amongst senior public servants

49/ Because you remember the waste and disgrace that was ATSIC

50/ Because those vending lies know you recognise them as lies but insist you become complicit in their charades and falsehoods

Subscribers are invited to add further reasons in the comments thread below.

Roger Franklin

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor


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