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Global warming: an essential reference

Bob Carter

Apr 25 2011

4 mins

Due diligence reports & related commentaries on Australian Government advice on climate change 

There are two extreme views on the issue of global warming caused by human-related carbon dioxide emissions. One dismisses the idea that climate change is dangerous at all. The other asserts that the warming danger is so great that urgent and deep curtailment of industrial emissions is needed in order to prevent it. 

This second, alarmist view of global warming, which is urged on us by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has become politically orthodox in Australia. In response, the current Labor government intends to introduce carbon dioxide taxation, as a (hoped for) means of reducing Australian emissions and thereby global temperature. These hopes are pious. 

The majority of independent scientists in Australia espouse neither of these two extreme views.  

Rather, they acknowledge that natural climate events and changes pose severe risks for Australia, and support the development of a national climate policy that focuses on preparing better for, and adapting to, hazardous climatic events whenever they occur. 

Independent scientists also acknowledge – carbon dioxide being a greenhouse gas – that human emissions have the potential to cause measurable climate change in future, but note that so far the small human signal is not recognizable. In which case, a policy of adaptation is an appropriately precautionary way of dealing with possible human-caused change also. 

That the government’s alarmist view of potential global warming is based upon partial and inadequate interpretation of the science – generally presented as a so-called “IPCC consensus view” – is widely understood. 

Joanne Nova’s JoNova blog and Quadrant Online have played leading roles in making available public audits and discussions by independent scientists of the government’s flawed scientific advice. 

To encourage wider discussion of the issue, we provide below an accruing list of articles and papers (in date order of the original document) that address the key issues of (i) the adequacy of the government’s understanding of climate science reality; and (ii) whether theoretical human-caused global warming is a dangerous hazard. 

List of articles and reports: 

May, 2009 – Climate Change 2009: Faster Change & More Serious Risk (Steffen) – Dept. of CC
August 10, 2009 – Critical review of Steffen paper –
Jo Nova (Appendix H)

June 15, 2009 – Steffen Briefing Paper for the Wong-Fielding meeting on ETS – Jo Nova
July 3, 2009 (updated Aug. 10) – Due Diligence Report on Steffen Briefing Paper –
Jo Nova
August 10, 2009 – All papers and accounts of the Wong-Fielding meeting on ETS –
Jo Nova 

Nov. 10, 2010 – Climate Change 2010: Science, Risks, Responses (Steffen) – Quadrant Online
April 25, 2011 – Wrong advice, wrong policy –
Quadrant Online
April 25, 2011 – Commentary on “Climate Change 2010” –
Quadrant Online 

March 15, 2011 – Letter from Minister Combet to MP Darren Chester – Quadrant Online
April 10, 2011 – Letter of reply from constituent to Minister Combet –
Quadrant Online
April 10, 2011 – More government ignorance on climate change –
Quadrant Online 

March 21, 2011 – Q&A brief for Jason Clare [Labor Strategy Document] – Quadrant Online
April 3, 2011 – Climate facts Labor overlooked –
Quadrant Online 

March 23, 2011 – It’s a Scam [Global warming alarmism and modelling] – JoNova

March 27, 2011 – Climate Commission meeting in Geelong – ABC 24 broadcast
March 27, 2011 – Climate Commission shirks debate –
Quadrant Online 

March 28, 2011 – The crucial decade for climate – Climate Commission
March 30, 2011 – Scary exaggerations unfounded –
Quadrant Online 

April 12, 2011 – Science without method – Quadrant Online 

April 15, 2011 – A less-than-nobel consensus [She who pays the piper ….] – JoNova

April 13, 2011 – Tackling climate change is in the national interest – Climate Minister Combet
April 17, 2011 – Climate Minister Combet still innocent of knowledge –
Quadrant Online
April 17, 2011 – Combet: 10 big errors [in National Press Club Speech] –
Quadrant Online
April 18, 2011 – Climate of discontent [CO2 tax is just an ambit claim] –
Quadrant Online 

May 30, 2011 – Critical review of Steffen May report, Part I (editorial) – Quadrant Online               
March 30, 2011 – Critical review of Steffen May report, Part II (science critique) – Quadrant Online    

April 5, 2012 – Analysis of March, 2012, reports by CSIRO/BOM and the Climate Commission – Quadrant Online NEW


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