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Enemies Within

Amy Brooke

Aug 25 2024

5 mins

The writing has long been on the wall. Externally the West faces aggressive states such as China, Russia, Iran and their various clients. As Greg Sheridan, the Australian’s foreign editor, points out, Iran is using its proxies such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, Shia militia in Iraq and Syria and the murderous Hamas, conning historically under-educated young people into believing Palestinians have been long victimised by Israel. With their virulent hatred of this democratic state, they plot to wipe it off the face of the earth.

Facing them is the West’s once most powerful free country, now in the hands of President Joe Biden, markedly senile and making decisions weakening America. These include his refusal to act on the border crisis, with the system for processing asylum seekers in a state of collapse. Monthly numbers are now up to a quarter of a million and border towns are unable to cope, and facing serious hygiene problems. Security problems with this influx include the arrival of suspected terrorists and those from countries as far away as China.

Biden’s mismanagement of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan ushered in a new era of Taliban rule, ensuring millions lost hard-won freedoms.

Severely criticised for this catastrophic withdrawal, leaving some Americans still trapped, including those detained by the Taliban—with some Afghan allies still not given promised resettlement in the US—his withdrawal has made the Arabian Gulf countries concerned about whether the US would really protect them from Iran.

Factor in Biden’s reinstating former President Barack Obama’s disastrous Iran deal. Whereas formerly sanctions had been placed on Iran, which then agreed to disable much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more intensive inspection—in exchange for billions of dollars—Obama’s Iran deal lifted these sanctions, helping this dangerous country fund new terrorist attacks. Biden eased the sanctions Trump reimposed. Reportedly, Iran can quickly make enough weapon-grade uranium for nuclear weapons, now needing only about a week to produce enough for its first nuclear weapon.

Other countries such as Taiwan must also wonder who is running America, and how reliable an ally the US might be if they were faced with mounting aggression from Russia and China.

It is increasingly clear that countries like Australia and New Zealand have long been remiss in not more intelligently providing for their own defence. Extraordinarily enough, New Zealand’s former Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark, backing the failed polices of multiculturalism, and intent on destroying the combat wing of our air force—dealing a severe blow to its morale—claimed, obviously inaccurately, “We live in an incredibly benign strategic environment.” A former National minister, Murray McCully, even suggested we should form a defence alliance with Communist China.

Like all other Western democracies, New Zealand faces not only enemies without but also within, in particular those promoting so-called diversity—fracturing the social cohesion a country needs to survive if its borders are open to those from different cultures who do not respect the underpinning of our democracy by Judeo-Christian ethics—or, like Muslim extremists—are actively hostile to them.

What can we say about former Prime Minister John Key determinedly hiding from us that he was sneaking the Minister of Maori Affairs to New York to sign the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples—although New Zealand has no indigenous peoples? Both Maoris and Europeans originally arrived a few centuries ago by sea. Key also facilitated removing Crown ownership of the foreshore and seabed with all its valuable minerals, allowing its ownership to be so challenged by Maori descendants that every inch is now inevitably being claimed, particularly because there is no cost to any tribal group or family doing so! Taxpayers are forced to fund these claims before the courts.

It’s not as if we weren’t warned. As far back as 1985, a former Australian member of the Communist Party, Geoff McDonald, wrote the first of three books, Shadows over New Zealand, on defence, land rights and multiculturalism.

It was followed by The Kiwis Fight Back, noting the psychological war being waged against New Zealanders, particularly the attempt to use accusations of racism as a useful and dishonest tool to intimidate the majority. So-called indigenous rights are an important part of the neo-Marxist agenda for weakening legitimate government. Among his reminders were the Left’s takeover of the conservation movement, the threat to ANZUS, and the danger of the communist-controlled push for countries to be persuaded, eventually forced, to surrender sovereignty to an authoritarian world government. McDonald’s third book, The Kiwis at the Crossroads, was an urgent reminder of the assault on our history by under-informed, lazy media against those concerned about the politicisation and distortion of Maori land rights, the spurious Treaty of Waitangi “partnership” claim and the deliberate misrepresentation of its original intent. It is now all happening, senior media discussing choosing to not report statements challenging their own by our Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters.

We are also faced with Labour’s establishment of the Office for Maori Crown Relations with a budget of $450 million and nearly 200 staff tasked with embedding Maori co-partnerships within the public and private sector—ensuring public service CEOs and staff undergo cultural indoctrination and treaty advice—providing twenty-two bills and 214 cabinet papers to hundreds of groups like the Real Estate Authority, and other public sector organisations. Associated with the government through registration, these organisations are required to demonstrate commitment to the reinvented treaty.

Our judiciary, too, is under fire for allowing the opaque concept of Tikanga (Maori affairs) to take precedence over common law, and for outrageously inadequate sentences. After an elderly woman was violently assaulted at a Posie Parker free speech rally in Auckland twelve months ago, her assailant was discharged without conviction, granted permanent name suppression and ordered to pay a mere $1000 in reparation. His lawyer claimed he suffered from autism and ADHD.

The battle goes on, with fanatical minority groups of part-Maori, far divorced from the majority, inappropriately listened to by successive governments practising the ever-failing policies of appeasement. In this respect, without its coalition partners, New Zealand First and ACT, the outlook under Christopher Luxon’s National Party would look bleaker than it already is.

Amy Brooke is a prolific New Zealand author, poet and commentator who lives in Nelson.


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