Lawyerly Caste Turns Left

James Allan

Aug 25 2024

16 mins

My wife and I arrived in Brisbane from Dunedin at the start of 2005. After writing a few pieces in the Australian, I was recruited to speak at the annual Samuel Griffith Society conference of 2006. I have been a member of the Society ever since, and I consider myself very lucky indeed to have been associated with this stalwart organisation whose aims include fostering a sane, interpretively conservative approach to our written Constitution—which if we’re talking continuously operating, full-size countries is the fourth-oldest after the US, Switzerland and Canada.

Very few legal academics in Australia are prepared or inclined to join the Samuel Griffith Society or, if last year is anything to go by, even to speak at our conference, given that we tried to entice “Yes” advocates for the Voice to come and make their case and managed but half an acceptance.

The Society was, as far as I know, the only major legal organisation that was for “No”—not the Bar Councils, not the…


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