Because I Say So

Anthony Daniels

Aug 25 2024

7 mins

Dissatisfaction being the permanent condition of mankind, it behoves us to put our dissatisfactions into some kind of perspective. If we do not, we shall mistake inconveniences for tragedies and, what is perhaps worse, tragedies for inconveniences. Without any knowledge of history, or even appreciation that history is important, it is impossible to achieve perspective; and one should never forget that it is easier to effect change for the worse than for the better.

Dissatisfaction in Europe is rife and is locked in a struggle with complacency, sometimes within the same breast. On the one side is apprehension that we are heading for a smash; on the other is a desire that nothing much should change. Some few people only are aware that change is necessary to avoid much greater and more painful change, the greatest justification for change.

There is a strong and dangerous feeling, not only in Europe but in North America, that our political system is no longer capable, or willing, to…


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