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The Lonely Aristocracy of True Art

Christopher Jolliffe

May 28 2024

16 mins

One of the great regrets experienced, living in our time, is the decline of literature, and that of art generally. We might lay the blame for this at many sets of feet. Certainly, the relentless commercialisation of beauty in the name of entertainment has done its work well; most classical symphony orchestras now record scores for video games. This isn’t to call them bad; take a listen to the work of Jeremy Soule or Marcin Przybyłowicz. They nobly hold their own, lift the chin skyward, and we must judge a thing on its own merits, however one regards the importance of the sculptor to the sculpture.

Nobody disregards Leonardo da Vinci thanks to the Borgias, though to enjoy a true flowering of the arts, we could do with some latter-day Medici. There is something to be said for patronage that is more than a mere market, for patronage that doesn’t need to always be considering mass appeal, bottom lines and sales figures; and this is to say nothing of the patronage of modern…


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