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Simple Questions

Tim Blair

May 28 2024

8 mins

If you want a deliriously bent answer from a modern leftist—or from a bureaucrat under leftist command—just ask a straight question. Basic as you like. Simple as can be.

The responses will likely involve more twists, logical flaws, conceptual inversions and outright denials of reality than you’d hear in a decade’s worth of magistrate’s court not-guilty pleas. Our left-inclined friends recently found themselves repeatedly caught out, for example, by being asked “What is a woman?”—a question so historically obvious that for centuries it wasn’t even a question.

US commentator Matt Walsh memorably composed a ninety-four-minute documentary in 2022 by putting that query to various gender activists (and a few representatives of the sane community). In the same year, South Australian Liberal senator Alex Antic caused all manner of mystification during a Senate Estimates hearing with Health Department secretary Brendan Murphy when he threw this into the mix: “Can someone…

Tim Blair

Tim Blair


Tim Blair



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