Choosing China over Sweden

Rebecca Weisser

May 27 2024

8 mins

This week, Zhang Zhan, a Chinese citizen journalist and former lawyer, is set to be released after four years in jail for the heinous crime of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. By that, what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) means is that Zhang dared to travel to Wuhan in February 2020 and report to the outside world, exposing the cruel tyranny of the Covid lockdown from the epicentre of the outbreak.

“I can’t find anything to say,” she reported in one video clip that she posted, “except that the city is paralysed because everything is under cover. That’s what this country is facing now … They imprison us in the name of pandemic prevention and restrict our freedom. We must not talk to strangers, it’s dangerous. So without the truth, everything is meaningless.” Little did she, or we, know that this was the fate that awaited us too.

Last week, another Zhang was also persecuted in China. Zhang Yongzhen is the virologist who shared the Sars-CoV-2 virus with…

Rebecca Weisser

Rebecca Weisser

Editor in Chief

Rebecca Weisser

Editor in Chief


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