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The Latest From Zeg

  • Pointed Gratitude

    Whether we need data-retention to combat terrorists is a matter on which reasonable people can disagree. What seems to occasion no discord in Australia's newsrooms, now to be exempt from having phone and email records picked over without a court order, is Australia's real enemy

    Mar 19 2015

    0 mins

  • Something Isn’t Working

    Time was when Australia's inner cities were hives of industry, with factories and workshops around every second corner. These days, well the factories are hipster lofts and the sound of a shift-ending whistle is seldom heard. Yes, the demolition of tariff barriers has seen the arrival of lots of cheap consumer goods, but not everyone is celebrating

    Mar 13 2015

    0 mins

  • State of the Nation

    A government that can't sell its budget and disappoints its friends. An Opposition that has made a virtue of ignorance. And a country brimming with potential that is going nowhere. Welcome to Australia, 2015

    Feb 19 2015

    0 mins

  • Anna in the Morning

    Hangovers, the curse of the drinking class, generally last no more than a day or so. In Queensland, where Labor partied hard and hearty as the monumental swing against Campbell Newman & Co. was tallied, the headaches of the voters who fired up that celebration may well endure for years

    Feb 02 2015

    0 mins

  • What a Joke!

    Quadrant's Online cartoonist has become something of an election issue in Queensland, where the usual shriekers, howlers and scolds have taken offence at his depiction of Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk in her birthday suit.

    Jan 29 2015

    1 mins

  • On the job

    Like all politicians, Bill Shorten’s talents for baby-kissing, hand-shaking, speech-giving […]

    Jan 27 2015

    1 mins

  • Fashion Statement

    It's just so cool being in thick with the caring set -- and so easy too! Print out a 'je suis Charlie' sign, punch out a couple of tweets that are heavy on the hand-wringing and then luxuriate in that special, rosy glow of moral superiority. And after that? Why not decry moves to scrap Section 18C because everyone who is smart enough to have an Arts degree knows free speech can give offence and that's, like, heavily into being unacceptable, man.


    Jan 19 2015

    0 mins

  • Life in the Fairfax Bubble

    Has the latest anti-Muslim backlash started yet? Well sit tight and the cookie-cutter keyboard ticklers at Australia's two most deplorable newspapers will tell us all about it. When all is not said and journalism left undone, regurgitating cliches is a lot easier than reporting on the real world

    Jan 08 2015

    3 mins

  • Starting over

      “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language […]

    Dec 31 2014

    0 mins