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The Latest From Zeg

  • Their Common Cause

    Bill Leak was forced to move his home and family to a secret location after being marked for death by Islamic fascists -- real fascists, mind you, not the sort the sniveling Left perceives at every word of disagreement.

    He should have been able to count on the full weight and support of every government agency and bureaucrat. Instead, while the Prime Minister declined to utter four short words, 'Je suis Bill Leak', he was abandoned to the torments of the shameless Gillian Triggs and her posse of tax-funded thugs.

    What's the difference between ISIS and the HRC?

    The former is open and honest in its vindictive contempt for all who will not toe the line

    Mar 12 2017

    0 mins

  • Return to Sender

    There has been much criticism of late in regard to the $5 million-plus salary pocketed by Australia Post's Ahmed Fahour, with critics noting that he is paid ten times more than our Prime Minister. That gripe is most unfair. Fahour's minions actually manage, most of the time, to deliver things of worth and value. The same cannot be said of Malcolm Turnbull

    Feb 18 2017

    0 mins

  • Bah, Humbuggered!

    The nation has its problems, no doubt about it: budget shortfalls, an immigration program conceived as a make-work policy for CentreLink staffers, cities plunged into darkness. And what occupies the prime ministerial mind? Why, gabbing about a republic with his favourite hanky-headed columnist!

    Dec 18 2016

    0 mins

  • Reality Intrudes

    It isn't nice to delight in another's misery, but in the case of Hillary Clinton an exception can be made

    Nov 09 2016

    1 mins

  • No Bones About Triggs’ Legacy

    The president of the Human Rights Commission utters self-serving falsehoods, her race commissioner offsider pimps for make-work complaints and it is left to a cartoonist to defend free speech. And through all this, not a word of protest from our PM. Not a single, solitary word

    Oct 23 2016

    0 mins

  • Been There, Done That

    The Doctor Who series is not everyone's idea of quality entertainment, but its plots' bold leaps through time and space nevertheless command the loyalty of many. This may explain why scriptwriters have never looked to Canberra for inspiration. What potential is there in an alien landscape where things never, ever really change?

    May 13 2016

    0 mins

  • Are You Harmonised?

    You may have neglected to mark it on the calendar, but Monday is Harmony Day. We're not sure what colour ribbon you are supposed to wear for this celebration of "cultural diversity" -- is there a shade yet unclaimed by one cause or another? -- but Zeg rather suspects a blindfold in some cheerful hue would be the most  appropriate accoutrement

    Mar 19 2016

    0 mins

  • The lady vanishes, an era too

    Mark the passing of a lady -- and another link with an era fading rapidly into memory and history's unlearned lessons. The Gipper's consort, she was at his side as he restored American pride, prosperity and, most of all, purpose. Once, the Free World had a leader prepared to stand on principle. Today, his former desk is occupied by a man who stands for nothing. Nancy Reagan, dead at 96.

    Mar 09 2016

    0 mins

  • No Stopping the Votes

    By rights, reducing government spending would seem an obvious response to soaring deficits and declining tax revenues, courtesy of the resources sector's hard times. But with an election in offing and an electorate open, as always, to be bribed, what chance we'll see an outbreak of fiscal discipline? Next to no chance at all, says Zeg, who is back at his drawing board after near-miraculous recovery from brain surgery

    Feb 04 2016

    0 mins