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The Latest From Zeg

  • The Real Enemy

    Apr 24 2018

    0 mins

  • Hanging in there

    South African firebrand Julius Malema explains to a TV interviewer how white farmers might be stripped of their land via legal means, with those considered "essential" perhaps allowed to remain on long-term leases -- or not, as the case may be. As an endorsement of caprice as the rule of law's guiding principle it is nasty stuff, although not quite so toxic as this clip in which Mr Malena enjoys a gloating moment of tribal triumphalism while assuring the crowd that it is white South Africans' turn to suffer.

    Naturally, as Zeg observes at this link or the one below, the Greens immediately identified the real racists.

    Mar 28 2018

    0 mins

  • More in the dark than usual

    Those in the business of telegraphing their virtue turned the lights off (and everything else) on Saturday night to celebrate Earth Hour, which is supposed to save the planet or something. In the light or in the dark, no difference: dimness is your ardent warmist's constant companion

    Mar 25 2018

    0 mins

  • Mister Confident

    Labor's grab for for senior Australians' nest eggs would likely have been thwarted before it was revealed by a government with a record of backbone and principle. In other words, Bill Shorten & Co. simply would not have dared, especially not with the Batman byelection just days away

    Mar 15 2018

    0 mins

  • The constancy of Kevin Rudd

    Times change, but the ever-blameless former prime minister never does. His back-of-the-envelope genius gave us the NBN, a sin now compounded by his more-front-than-Myers insistence that everyone else is to blame for the debacle that even yet continues to unfold

    Oct 26 2017

    0 mins

  • Shock Troops

    German soldiers during the Great War dubbed the Black Watch the "Ladies from Hell", presumably for their kilts and martial bearing, not because they accessorised regulation combat attire with a touch of lippy and a million dollars worth of taxpayer-financed silicon breasts. How times have changed -- although, as our politically correct ADF may well learn, enemies haven't

    Oct 18 2017

    0 mins

  • Take Me to Your Breeder

    It is well known among UFO enthusiasts that space aliens come from light years away to abduct humans on lonely country roads and probe their bodily cavities. Why they do this is a mystery but, whatever the reason, they had better go to warp drive quick smart while there remain subjects to be examined

    Sep 21 2017

    0 mins

  • Ms Triggs’ Theology

    Zeg has been wondering about Ms Gillian Triggs, mostly about how "acceptable" she might find life under sharia, which she reckons differs not very much at all from the Canon law of the Catholic church. How might this opinionated woman fare under sharia, do you think

    Aug 30 2017

    2 mins