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Wolfgang Kasper

Wolfgang Kasper

The Latest From Wolfgang Kasper

  • Xi, Who Must, For Now, Be Obeyed

    It is easy for Westerners to dismiss the idealism of reformist Marxists, yet they warrant admiration for their valiant intellectual struggles and individualistic aspirations -- thinkers, for example, such as Căi Xiá, whose remarkable candour in calling for greater freedom is perhaps a bigger worry for Beijing than the coronavirus

    Jun 21 2020

    15 mins

  • India’s Trinity of Troubles

    Australians who dream of relief from the uncomfortable China connection by closer ties with the “world’s biggest democracy”, of profitable access to a market of 1.3 billion consumers and of a free-market partner in world trade, had better re-assess their expectations

    May 05 2020

    17 mins

  • Understanding and Misunderstanding China

    We must avoid pushing the West’s potential friends and admirers in China, who in essence think like we do, into the embrace of the nationalist-communist hardliners. That could have tragic consequences all round. Let’s not repeat history out of ignorance or spite!

    Mar 06 2020

    25 mins

  • The Price of Rubber, 1970s Style

    One needed a working knowledge of Hokkien Chinese to understand Kuala Lumpur's rubber market of half a century ago. No such knowledge is required to grasp how government meddling in the interplay of buyers and sellers laid it low,

    Dec 23 2019

    5 mins

  • The Epochal Challenge of Mass Immigration

    My family was 'ethnically cleansed' and, soon after that, we became refugees fleeing the Soviets, a journey that ended 46 years ago in Australia. Believe me, I know a thing or two about migration, not least that one must never consider importing alien populations without addressing their integration

    Sep 23 2019

    23 mins

  • The Atavistic Assault on Liberalism

    Mario Vargas Llosa’s journey from Castro groupie to steel-eyed critic of both Leftism and populism gives the observations and commentary of his latest book the authority of a long life both lived and examined. To describe it as a joy of the first order would be to engage in understatement

    Jul 28 2018

    12 mins

  • Western Civilisation’s Merits and Perils

    Identity politics, a near-religious environmentalism, the promotion of multicultural 'otherness' and ceaseless encroachment of cultural Marxism represent the four fronts of an ongoing assault. As ANU's shameful rejection of the Ramsay endowment demonstrates, no quarter is given

    Jun 13 2018

    44 mins

  • An Invitation to Optimism

    Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress […]

    Apr 30 2018

    11 mins

  • Bath Time in the EU

    The simple act of immersing oneself in hot water is not so simple as you might think, not under the edicts of Brussells' commissars, who busy themselves with regulating bathing costumes, the gender of lockers and which varieties of body hair may or may not be dipped in a Jacuzzi

    Sep 14 2017

    4 mins