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"William York"

"William York"

The Latest From "William York"

  • Revealed! North Korea’s Warmist Plot

    Catastropharians love to believe that "deniers" are in the pay of Big Carbon and that is why the planet is almost certainly doomed. Well here's a conspiracy theory so outlandish, so baroque in the details of its intrigue, it might just be enough to win some coverts to the sceptic cause

    Feb 19 2014

    2 mins

  • Gillard’s Iran solution

    The innovation that our Prime minister has made is to point out that Parliament is not well matched to the will of the people on contemporary issues. Only an assembly of the people will reflect real community attitudes.

    Jul 26 2010

    3 mins

  • Rudd government initiatives

    There are Pink Bats, Fabricating the Education Revolution, the Green Car Fund and others. The government is channelling Groucho Marx who said “I have learned from my mistakes. Now I can repeat them perfectly.”

    Jun 01 2010

    5 mins

  • Kevin’s Copenhagen Carol

    On the last day of Copenhagen my Minister said to me “The Departmental Secretary is out of his tree”.

    Jan 04 2010

    3 mins

  • How Kevin saved Christmas

    A central issue for the debate was whether to limit temperature rises to 1.5 or 2 degrees centigrade. The former apparently insured the survival of the Pacific island states while the latter would do them and some of Bangladesh irreparable damage.

    Dec 21 2009

    3 mins

  • The Kevinator

    A cunning plan to bring water to Lake Eyre, rain to south east Australia and prosperity to the Murray Darling Basin. 

    Oct 26 2009

    3 mins

  • The eve of destruction: Take 2

    The atmosphere is not for turnin’
    Temperatures rise and people are burnin’
    too much fuel but they ain’t learnin’
    the earth’s on edge of over turning’
    And we are just its overburden. 

    Sep 14 2009

    2 mins

  • May Day Message

    We celebrate May Day with a custom called the “Cash Splash”. I am not clear when this habit started but do the names of Costello or Swan mean anything to you?

    May 01 2009

    4 mins

  • April 1: Remembrance Day

    “William York” is a well known contributor to OnlineOpinion. His friend Tom recently received a letter from him.

    Apr 01 2009

    3 mins