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William D. Rubinstein

William D. Rubinstein

The Latest From William D. Rubinstein

  • Telling the Truth about Pre-Contact Aboriginal Society

    The total failure of pre-contact Aboriginal society to advance in nearly all significant areas of the economy and technology is indicative of what Aboriginal society was actually like. To put the matter bluntly, pre-contact Aboriginal society consisted of 65,000 years of murderous, barbaric savagery.

    Aug 29 2024

    17 mins

  • When Religion Declines

    When a religious group promotes left-wing causes, the emptier its pews become. This seems an unbreakable rule, yet those who propagate politics from the pulpit seem not to have noticed that the Greens and their like make poor guides on the path to salvation

    Jun 10 2024

    9 mins

  • When Religion Declines

    One of the most striking developments in Australian society in […]

    May 28 2024

    9 mins

  • The Middle Eastern Fantasies of Edward Said

    His Orientalism has done much to shape and twist perceptions of students and Islamists backing Hamas. The Columbia academic, a habitual liar, built his career on defaming the West, where he preferred to live, while depicting alleged wrongs done to the society where, since childhood, he had never lived

    May 09 2024

    13 mins

  • The Rise and Rise of Charedi Judaism

    Many observers would have assumed that Charedi Jews were a relic of pre-modern culture, and the few survivors would inevitably disappear through assimilation within a few decades. Instead, what the world has witnessed. is growth so rapid that demographers expect their numbers to double every 16 years

    Feb 18 2024

    10 mins

  • Israel’s Cause is That of All the West

    While yesteryear’s anti-Semitism was based in large measure in demented paranoia, today’s left-wing anti-Zionism and hostility to Israel are founded in an even larger measure of double standards and hypocrisy. Leftists hostile to Israel wholly ignore the undemocratic nature of most of the Arab countries and other Third World states, bizarrely attacking the Middle East’s only democracy

    Jan 18 2024

    13 mins

  • The Real William Shakespeare?

    In December's Quadrant, Salvatore Babones mooted the theory that the Bard was actually Kit Marlowe, reports of whose death may well have been premature. William Rubinstein begs to differ. While agreeing Shakespeare was not the author of the works that bear his name, his pick, based on what would otherwise be a series of remarkable coincidences and overlapping circles, is Sir Henry Neville

    Dec 27 2023

    28 mins

  • The Elusive Bard

    Before dismissing those who dispute the Swan of Avon's authorship, consider why their arguments are so widely believed. The purported Bard had no education beyond the basic, yet his plays reference around 500 works, some in foreign languages, and eyewitness descriptions of Italian towns. Simply put, the known facts don't mesh with the evolution of his supposed works

    Oct 22 2023

    5 mins

  • Even Peasants Can Recognise a Bill of Goods

    It is precisely because we live in a genuine political democracy that the Voice advocates' attempt to has failed so decisively.  The Fathers of Federation built better than they knew: they not only devised a means of successfully governing Australia, but also by means of referendums the means to preserve it

    Oct 16 2023

    5 mins