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Walter Waverley

Walter Waverley

The Latest From Walter Waverley

  • Thanks, Minister Kean, You’ve Settled All Doubts

    The latest vote-for-me flyers to soil my letterbox included this gem from NSW energy minister Matt Kean, a ridiculous figure in the estimation of all sensible people. “Net zero only happened because we had people like Dave," the green-blooded champion of addled energy policies wrote of Candidate Sharma. All thought of putting a '1' against the Liberal contender's name vanished as quickly as taxpayer cash into a rent-seeker's pocket

    May 20 2022

    5 mins

  • Allegra, Please! Have Some Manners

    It was rude of Madam Teal to intrude on my well-bred solitude with an unsolicited SMS invitation to ask about her positions and policies, but curiosity won and I responded by asking, among other topics, what she has in mind for Australian agriculture. The answer was three paragraphs of twaddle about Aborigines, refugees and the NDIS. After that it got even sillier

    May 16 2022

    8 mins

  • The Riddle of Ms Spender’s Absent Solar Panels

    Allegra Spender insists she can't plug into solar at her Wentworth home because it's a strata title building, just as she explains her lack of an electric car as a consequence of having nowhere to park and charge it. Well here's a funny thing: her family owns both the building's only other apartment and the next-door address, the one with garage doors fronting the street

    May 12 2022

    9 mins

  • The Wentworth Formula: I = AP+(C-G)+L

    Given the pieties and picayune passions that appear to prevail amongst the good and greenish citizens of the electorate where Liberal Dave Sharma is running for his political life against principal challenger Allegra Spender, no regular reckoning of the contenders' chances will do. That's when an intersectionality index comes in handy

    May 05 2022

    11 mins

  • Vote With One Hand, Hold Nose With Other

    I don’t know much about Allegra Spender’s values, apart from the fact she wants 'a better climate for Wentworth.' But I suspect if Madam Teal, Dave Sharma and I somehow ended up sitting around a dinner table and discussing the affairs of the day, I would be the odd one out in any conversation about values

    Apr 27 2022

    5 mins

  • Signs of the Times in Thoroughly Woke Wentworth

    Climate 200's Allegra Spender beams at me from a neighbour's fence and every morning I grin right back as her Corflute sign prompts a moment's reflection on polypropylene, the material on which her posters are printed. How typical, I smirk, that an 'independent' who is nothing of the kind would oppose fossil fuels by plastering the neighbourhood with hundreds of ads made from them

    Apr 21 2022

    9 mins