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Walter Starck

Walter Starck

The Latest From Walter Starck

  • Degrees of Expensive Pointlessness

    So, you are a newly minted Bachelor of Arts with a specialty in, say, lesbian calligraphy, journalism, womyn's studies or some other self-referential academic abstraction. And you say you can't get a job? Well don't blame employers until you have cast a critical eye over tertiary education's nest-featherers, the same people who made your Centrelink appointment an inevitability

    Aug 04 2014

    7 mins

  • Why Climate Change Doesn’t Scare Me

    Be scared, the experts tell us, be very scared. Well there is certainly cause for concern, but not about those "rising" temperatures, which refuse to confirm researchers' computer models. A far bigger worry is the corruption that has turned 'science' into a synonym for shameless, cynical careerism

    Jun 06 2014

    11 mins

  • Are Academics Above The Law?

    The most reprehensible shortcomings often can be found in organisations operating behind a façade of rectitude. The ongoing debasement of scientific research in Australia, particularly in regard to the environment and climate, further demonstrates that denial and the blind eye are part and parcel of this malignancy

    Mar 21 2014

    20 mins

  • A Tax Revolution To Reboot The Economy

    To revive an economy increasingly hobbled by regulation, scrap income tax for a consumption levy. Then make sure that government is obliged to live within its means

    Jan 13 2014

    13 mins

  • Warmists Can’t Stop Themselves

    Climate alarmists' tactics -- exaggeration, misrepresentation, smear and scorn -- have hurt the movement more than helped it. No surprise there. Cultist are always the last to recognise the folly of their ways

    Nov 15 2013

    6 mins

  • Dredging up another bogus threat

    Plans to dredge Queensland ports are under attack by the usual suspects, who have brought to bear their customary arsenal of faux science, outrageous misrepresentation and emotional manipulation

    Nov 05 2013

    8 mins

  • Sue a warmist

    The left has long made "lawfare" one of its key weapons, deliberately seeking the courts' intervention to silence those of whom it disapproves. Given the travesties of science perpetrated in the name of climate change, isn't it time to give the most dubious practitioners a taste of their own medicine?

    Apr 24 2013

    5 mins

  • The greenhouse with no roof

    The greatest minds of our time -- at least when it comes to securing research funding -- do not seem to appreciate that a container needs a lid if it is to trap heat

    Feb 22 2013

    6 mins

  • Government by NGO

    They are unelected, unaccountable and untaxed, yet their influence and manipulations are forever nudging Australia and its economy closer to a grim reckoning with reality. When they have done their worst, we had better be ready and prepared to pick up the pieces

    Dec 18 2012

    11 mins