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Walter Starck

Walter Starck

The Latest From Walter Starck

  • Let’s Lift the Veil on Asylum Seekers

    Better  and far more detailed information on immigrant success is badly needed. Naively accepting large numbers of refugees from the most dysfunctional societies on the planet, and doing so with scant assessment of the consequences, would seem almost beyond belief were not fact

    Aug 15 2016

    6 mins

  • Allahu Gay Bar

    How many Islamist suicide attacks are driven by the guilt of their perpetrators' closeted homosexuality? We can never be sure, but the connection between a homophobic creed's promise of instant redemption and eternal delight for dying in the cause of jihad cannot be discounted

    Jul 27 2016

    3 mins

  • Global Warming’s Grand Inquisitors

    If Hillary Clinton wins the White House, her party's platform makes no bones about what is in store for those who dare to dispute the "settled science" of assorted computer modellers, grant-grabbers, propagandists and professional alarmists: a visit by the authorities

    Jul 19 2016

    6 mins

  • The Reef’s Self-Serving Saviours

    All the many and varied claims of threats are based on speculation and the flat-out fabrications of researchers, bureaucrats and activists seeking grants and donations. Let us hope that a political leader emerges to decry and defund the gold-plated alarmists and the immense harm they are doing

    Jun 17 2016

    15 mins

  • Fishy Tales of the Great Barrier Reef

    Among the many life forms thriving in the waters off Queensland's coast, environmental activists and academic careerists are by the far most adaptable. Despite voluminous evidence that the Reef is healthy, they extract careers, grants and donations from dumb coral -- and dumber journalists

    Sep 24 2015

    11 mins

  • The Dark Green Shoes of the Fisherman

    Theologians once devoted their energies to calculating the number of angels able to dance on the head of a pin. Today, in the thrall of dubious science and warmist pamphleteers, Pope Francis has put his seal on a document larded with 'facts' no less improbable than those cavorting cherubim of old

    Jul 08 2015

    9 mins

  • Ignore, Dismiss, Excuse, Deny

    Climate science -- the comfortably settled careerist variety -- would have us believe it has identified causes and trends that place its projections beyond challenge and dispute. Well, one thing is certain: when reality fails to match warmist expectations, the denials are pathological

    Jun 21 2015

    8 mins

  • The Climate Scam’s Meltdown

    The rent-seekers, opportunists, third-rate academics, carbon-market scam artists and peddlers of catastrophic prophecy can see the alarmist bubble deflating, so they're trying harder than ever to sustain the scare. Problem is, Mother Nature isn't cooperating

    Nov 20 2014

    8 mins

  • Time to Put Warmists Under Oath

    They have built careers, lined pockets and plundered the public purse on the strength of prophecies that have failed conspicuously to match real world trends. Worse, they have suborned and debased science. It's time those who insist consensus trumps evidence were made to answer for their damage

    Oct 26 2014

    8 mins