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Walter Starck

Walter Starck

The Latest From Walter Starck

  • A Digital Solution to the Tax Dilemma?

    A single tax on all financial transactions as the sole basis for all government revenue would be easy to administer and difficult to avoid if combined with an all-digital currency system. Readers may endorse or beg to differ with that prescription, which is why the comments thread is open

    Oct 24 2018

    6 mins

  • Climate Science: Have Stats, Will Doctor

    We now have a whole generation of academics whose careers are steeped in the lucrative notion that catastrophic climate change is a genuine peril. What's needed is an appropriately resourced science court to police malpractice, of which there is much, and no more grants for the guilty

    Oct 03 2018

    10 mins

  • JCU’s Curious Lack of Curiosity

    Officially, Professor Peter Ridd was axed from James Cook University for allegedly mocking of its reputation as a home to serious scholars and research -- a handy way to avoid addressing his very specific charge that Reef scientists are playing fast and loose with facts

    Jun 01 2018

    11 mins

  • Why, Twenty-One Times Why?

    Is there no limit to the demands of political correctness, the burden of hypothetical solutions to imaginary problems, and the detachment from empirical reality that can be imposed on a society? Here, a list of questions whose answers would be obvious were they not being obscured

    May 03 2018

    8 mins

  • Knowing What You Don’t Know

    When did we begin to accept mere opinion as unquestionable truth, with no hint of doubt or uncertainty allowed, no need for deeper knowledge, no possibility of error and no place for any change of mind? Such is the arrogance of the loudly uninformed that fervour these days overwhelms mere fact

    Apr 01 2018

    7 mins

  • Ridd v. JCU: Obligation & Opportunity

    James Cook University will most likely continue to sweep allegations of shoddy research under the carpet, seemingly oblivious that its reputation for serious, credible scientific inquiry is going into the dustpan at the same time. The Governing Council not only should intervene, it must

    Feb 22 2018

    6 mins

  • More Green and Muddy ‘Thinking’

    Once again, as is so often the case, the resolute ignorance of the eco-activist set is on full display among opponents of a plan to expand Townsville's harbour and, with it, the local economy. As usual, neither science nor honesty figures in the campaign

    Mar 02 2017

    4 mins

  • The Climate Confabulators’ Sinking Ships

    Global temperatures' refusal to rise has obliged warmism's comfortably settled scientists  to once again fiddle the data, something they do always with aplomb and no coherent explanation. Ah, but not so fast! One of the fulcrums on which they spin their latest legerdemain is absolutely worthless

    Jan 17 2017

    7 mins

  • If Only Sharks Ate ‘Experts’

    No surprise that sharks are attracted to areas where food is plentiful and, likewise, learn to avoid dangerous locales. In this regard they are far smarter than green-thinking alarmists, who denounce netting while remaining pointedly unaware that a rotting shark drives away fellow predators

    Dec 17 2016

    5 mins