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Vic Jurskis

Vic Jurskis

The Latest From Vic Jurskis

  • The ABC’s Great Climate Cop-Out

    The national broadcaster is spruiking 'Fires', its six-part series on 2020's Black Summer, which I will leave to drama critics to evaluate. Episode Three, however, cannot be allowed to pass without comment, as its premise holds that global warming spawned the infernos. Given that serial wrongologist Tim Flannery is treated as a credible authority, no surprise there

    Sep 28 2021

    8 mins

  • When Science Chooses to Block its Ears

    When I joined the Foresters of Australia it was an organisation supporting experienced, pragmatic, scientific land management and healthy debate. As demonstrated by the rejection of the paper I was to have presented, yet another body has come to be dominated by politically correct groupthinkers prepared only to hear views that endorse the dogma of preconceptions

    Jun 10 2021

    6 mins

  • Trees, Climate Myths and Mismanagement

    It’s hardly surprising that the latest research has ‘confirmed’ the view of academics who oppose regular and regulated burning of the bush in the interest of reducing ground fuels and that, according to the same theorists, experienced land managers don’t know what they’re talking about. It's a nice gig when you get to judge your own work

    May 15 2021

    8 mins

  • Empirical Evidence vs. Ecological Modelling

    Foresters, pastoralists and those working with the bush are gobsmacked by certain academics' notion that mild fire can threaten biodiversity in a landscape safely maintained by Aboriginal burning for 40,000 years. But that's the way the grant money goes -- and why we'll burn again and again and again

    Apr 17 2021

    8 mins

  • On the Whole, Koalas are Smarter than PETA

    Marsupials aren't generally reckoned among the more intelligent species, but the dim lights of their tiny brains still outshine the 'animal rights' activists who are their self-appointed defenders. Indeed, while your typical look-at-me-in-an-animal-costume protesters make a lot of noise, their ignorance of koalas, habitat and why the population rises and falls would fill volumes

    Jan 25 2021

    5 mins

  • Is There Nothing Matt Kean Can’t Do!

    As the fires of recent decades have shown, especially last summer's inferno, mismanagement of the bush has become very nearly a diabolic art. But not to worry, champion of wind turbines, eco rorts and rent seekers Matt Kean has saved the Blue Mountains' Wollemi pines from further threat. Such are his powers it required but a simple stroke of his mighty green pen

    Jan 17 2021

    8 mins

  • They Can’t See the Forest for the Disease

    Even when our forests aren’t exploding in megafires they’re in very serious trouble, yet the required remedy wouldn't be difficult to implement. First, though, we need to divert a fraction of the expenditure wasted on the sort of self-perpetuating research that draws its funding from the pursuit of problems, not solutions

    Dec 14 2020

    10 mins

  • Bushfires: Ashes to Ashes All Over Again

    The summer's bushfires might have focused attention on the relationship between fuel loads and fire intensity. But no, precious little of that. Instead, with but a passing nod to fuel-reduction policies, the current royal commission is raving about climate change. Abandon hope, Australia -- we're going to burn all over again

    Sep 10 2020

    4 mins

  • Koalas versus ‘Experts’

    A recent NSW parliamentary panel concluded koalas are facing extinction, that verdict being the product of green myths, flawed research and political barrow-pushing. The only thing the committee got right was that koalas are in trouble -- in large part due to the catastrophic policies that, sadly, have just been given a further stamp of approval

    Jul 05 2020

    9 mins