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Vanessa de Largie

Vanessa de Largie

The Latest From Vanessa de Largie

  • Three Cheers for Lads … and Lavatories

    Unlike International Women's Day, the November 19 date set aside to mark those issues specifically relevant to the male of the species shares discordant billing with another UN-endorsed day of celebration, World Toilet Day. No, it's not a feminist joke, but it would still be nice to see plumbing fixtures exalted on some other day

    Nov 19 2020

    4 mins

  • Bah-Humbug to Christmases That Aren’t

    Will White Christmas by Irving Berlin, who happens to have been Jewish by the way, be targeted? A friend’s child was told that it would be best not to bring Christmas Cards to school lest they cause offence. At least her daughter didn't have to endure, instead of Santa, the Sustainability Pirate

    Dec 21 2019

    3 mins

  • Trump Derangement Syndrome: The Mindless Miss M

    You may have noticed the current US President has the capacity to drive celebrities right around the bend, although few have journeyed further into the fanciful plains of madness and baseless accusation than Bette Midler. A supremely talented performer without a doubt, she's a reminder that the ability to hold a note is no indication of sanity

    Jul 29 2019

    4 mins

  • Euthanasia: Victoria Flatlines

    It all sounds so very civilised, this euthanasia law just passed in Victoria. Why should the sick suffer? By what right do the aged, useless eaters, burden kin with the slow spectacle of their slide into decreptitude, pain, senility? Just wait and see where this 'compassionate' movement goes next

    Jun 19 2019

    3 mins