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Tony Macken

Tony Macken

The Latest From Tony Macken

  • Can the Hawkesbury River Ever be Fully Tamed?

    The recent flooding of the Hawkesbury in March and its devastating impact on residents and property were powerful reminders of this wayward and ancient river's refusal to be tamed. The solution, for want of a better word, might well be to accept that efforts to make it behave will sooner or later come to nought

    Jun 13 2021

    9 mins

  • Is July the Cruelest Month?

    Russian's royal family, the passengers of Malaysian Airlines Flt 17 and the Carmelite martyrs of revolutionary France singing as they went to the guillotine -- all their fates were all sealed on the same day in July. As 2020's pandemic claims its blameless victims, the sisters' courage, kindness and luminous spirituality is both inspiration and example

    Jul 28 2020

    6 mins

  • The Dreyfus Affair: Investigative Journalism vs State Power

    The Dreyfus Affair began with an inept investigation by French […]

    Apr 29 2019

    15 mins