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Tony Grey

Tony Grey

The Latest From Tony Grey

  • Resolving Our Nuclear Contradictions

    Australia’s decision to partner with the US and UK in […]

    Nov 29 2021

    5 mins

  • China’s Threats to Taiwan and the World

    There is no comfort in the oft-expressed view that China doesn’t start wars. China does. It invaded Vietnam in 1979 'to teach it a lesson' and, more recently, reanimated its bloody border dispute with India. Whipping up nationalistic fervour may be Xi's bid to neuter domestic unrest by redirecting it against external targets, Taiwan and its allies most of all

    Jul 22 2021

    9 mins

  • The Growing Support for Nuclear Power

    Exciting progress in the nuclear industry—in safety improvements, waste disposal, cost reduction, small modular reactors—is passing us by in Australia. Technology doesn’t stop just because a government doesn’t like it. At the very least, the Luddite prohibition that has denied us the torch of progress for twenty years should be repealed

    Aug 21 2020

    13 mins

  • The Assault on Trust

    Cynicism shares our lunch these days, yet trust survives. It must, for we are human and at that level we still see the shining light of its truth. There’s relief in that, since a tendency to trust others, according to psychologists, is a strong predictor of subjective well-being

    Apr 21 2018

    13 mins

  • The Assault on Optimism

    Despite our times of comfort and plenty, optimism is under […]

    Dec 30 2017

    14 mins