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Tony Abbott

Tony Abbott

The Latest From Tony Abbott

  • The Voice of the People

    Remarkably, the Voice went down despite big business, big tech, big sport, and big philanthropy

    Sep 14 2024

    13 mins

  • The CANZUK Potential

    Seventy-five years after the old empire became the new Commonwealth, there’s no more like-minded group than the CANZUK countries. Why not build on that affinity by making all trade between them tariff-free? Why not work towards mutual recognition of trade and professional qualifications?

    Aug 25 2024

    8 mins

  • When the Rule of Law Becomes the Rule of Lawyers

    In simpler times the government ran the country, parliament made the laws, and the courts decided what was illegal. What’s happened over recent decades is a tendency for unelected judges to insert themselves into political decision-making on the assumption that their decisions are superior to those of elected and accountable ministers

    Aug 25 2024

    13 mins

  • How This Woke Mess Happened

    With most conservative parties split between populist and establishment wings, […]

    Jun 22 2024

    9 mins

  • How This Woke Mess Happened

    With most conservative parties split between populist and establishment wings, […]

    May 28 2024

    9 mins

  • Getting the Best from our MPs

    Ron Boswell, my former parliamentary colleague, has produced a superb instruction manual for anyone wanting to make a mark on our public life. His prescription is simple enough: have strong principles, be a good listener; be largely indifferent to recognition or reward, and work assiduously for the people you’re pledged to represent

    May 21 2024

    8 mins

  • Populism and the Failure of Conservatives

    'It’s 80 or 90 years since Western countries have faced such internal and external challenges: with the rich getting richer and the poor getting less poor, but the middle class increasingly squeezed; with economies floundering under high taxes for ever more generous welfare systems and the red tape needed to achieve ESG goals'

    May 02 2024

    9 mins

  • Brian Harradine, the Honourable Independent

    Above and beyond quitting the Labor Party, the Tasmanian senator was a very rare species indeed: a politician almost entirely devoid of ego, more than happy to 'stoop to conquer', and never feeling the need to exaggerate his own importance. A parliament with more of his kind would add lustre and honour to our public life. Let’s hope Keith Harvey's readable volume encourages more like him

    Jan 25 2024

    6 mins

  • How the Great Reset is Capturing our Politics

    The fact that nearly every country now wants to forget the pandemic as a kind of collective bad dream, rather than rigorously analyse it lest we make the same mistakes again, shows how governance has generally become worse as it’s become bigger and ever more intrusive.

    Jan 05 2024

    10 mins