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Tom Quirk

Tom Quirk

The Latest From Tom Quirk

  • White Paper or Blank Page?

    The much vaunted "Australia in the Asian Century" white paper assumes that governments and recipients of their R&D grants are best placed to pick marketplace winners. The figures say otherwise 

    Nov 06 2012

    5 mins

  • Climate Commission in Melbourne

    Storey Hall was an appropriate place for over three hundred people to face six Climate Commissioners as it has the look and feel of a space that was shifted from Luna Park.

    Jul 27 2012

    5 mins

  • Whither CSIRO?

    The CSIRO is responding to set of national needs defined by the government of the day – combating climate change and making computer model forecasts of the disasters facing us if we don’t.

    Apr 17 2012

    4 mins

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Climate Change

    Did Douglas Adams anticipate Climate Change modelling?

    Feb 02 2012

    4 mins

  • A Tale of Two Disciplines

    As a demonstration of how to present scientific discovery and understanding, the contrast between the possible discovery of the Higgs particle and climate science progress could not be more different.

    Jan 13 2012

    4 mins

  • CSIRO’s methane problem

    A careful examination of the likely causes of variations in methane emissions suggests there is little or no basis for concluding that the variations of the last twenty years are due to human activity.

    Aug 17 2011

    5 mins

  • Innovation: The Garnaut Cult

    Professor Garnaut sees a tax on carbon (dioxide) as not sufficient to drive innovation. He wants to encourage companies by luring them with extra rewards. But this looks a bit like the Cargo Cult of New Guinea.

    Jun 16 2011

    5 mins

  • How to kill agriculture

    The proposed carbon farming initiative would make it virtually impossible for an individual farmer to remove the trees and revert to food production. This is contrary both to Australia’s international obligations and its self interest.

    May 08 2011

    5 mins

  • Methane madness

    Now they want to tax methane. It is difficult to imagine a more surreal policy, where no one else in the world understands or intends to bother with methane but we must set an example.

    Apr 27 2011

    4 mins