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Tom Lewis

Tom Lewis

The Latest From Tom Lewis

  • Sink Our French Subs or an Enemy Will

    Officially they're known as Barracudas, but we should think of them as Turnbull Class boats, as his absurd decision to re-engineer nuclear vessels as diesel-electrics will, like their patron, bring nothing but failure and grief: The solution: off-the-rack, US-made nuclear vessels

    Sep 01 2018

    5 mins

  • The Japanese Who Attacked the Top End

    The devastating first assault on Darwin included 188 aircraft: thirty-six fighters, eighty-one high-level bombers and seventy-one dive-bombers. The Japanese forces then settled down to a pattern and the bombers kept coming, from Exmouth to Townsville, over the next two years

    Jul 07 2018

    18 mins