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Tom Lewis

Tom Lewis

The Latest From Tom Lewis

  • The Medals That Never Made it into Darwin

    As Cyclone Tracy's 50th anniversary draws nearer, many remain puzzled why the thousands of ADF members who lifted Darwin out of its wreckage and back onto its feet received no recognition for their months of hot, steamy, arduous and often dangerous work. That needs to be fixed -- and there is still time to do it

    Jul 29 2023

    16 mins

  • How to Help Teachers Make the Grade

    I managed behaviour-management training in two education system under the heading 'The techniques your university should have taught you', with the key message summed up in two words: structure and assertiveness. It means being the Alpha in the room. Be tough on the small things and the bigger problem of classroom discipline will most often take care of itself. Believe me, it works, but that isn't anything like what future teachers are being taught

    Apr 12 2023

    6 mins

  • Here’s a Novel Idea, Let Teachers Teach

    The obligation to provide 'pastoral care' has been added to teachers' workloads over the last 40 years, meaning they must monitor the welfare of their assigned students. This sounds useful but is actually a curse, as it takes up much time and, worse, because is teachers aren't psychologists and the advice they give on matters such as bullying and sexual assault may be way off the mark. The solution is obvious: scratch this burden to allow more classroom time

    Mar 30 2023

    5 mins

  • When Our Schools are Class Enemies

    Promoting students who have not acquired the necessary skills is no kindness. Educators will tell you that repeating a grade damages self-esteem, but the real damage comes later with the discovery that an apprenticeship is unobtainable, nor any other career path that might lead to a better job and higher pay

    Mar 14 2023

    6 mins

  • Anything but an Ordinary Seaman

    This week marked 80 years since Ordinary Seaman Teddy Sheean gave his life defending his HMAS Armidale shipmates as they abandoned ship, an act of supreme heroism that much later would earn him a belated Victoria Cross. This is the story of his life and sacrifice

    Dec 03 2022

    19 mins

  • Unsung Heroes of the Night War Came to Sydney

    Japan's midget submarine attack is a story everyone knows -- or think they do. Little mentioned has been the blithering incompetence of the brass. Not only did the two most senior commanders refuse to believe an attack was underway, the small-ship captains and crews who hunted down the intruders were denied any recognition. Eighty years on, it remains an injustice in need of a remedy

    Aug 13 2022

    5 mins

  • The Sword of the Midget Submarines in Sydney Harbour

    On the night of Sunday, May 31, 1942, Sydney Harbour […]

    Jun 29 2022

    10 mins

  • A Mislabelled Relic of the Night War Came to Sydney?

    Eighty years ago today, a tranquil Sunday night in Sydney was shattered by explosions, sirens and darting search lights hunting three Japanese midget submarines, two of which penetrated the boom net to wreak havoc in the Harbour. A samurai sword from one of those vessels is on display at the Australian War Memorial, but whose sword and from which boat?

    May 31 2022

    11 mins

  • The Battle That Saved Australia

    Eighty years ago this weekend Japan's plans to seize Port Moresby and thereby dominate Australia's east coast were foiled at the Battle of the Coral Sea. More than that significant victory, the encounter between two naval forces which never came within gun range of each other marked the end of the battleship era and the ascendancy of the aircraft carrier

    May 08 2022

    4 mins