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Timothy Cootes

Timothy Cootes

The Latest From Timothy Cootes

  • John Pilger Keeps The Faith

    Dispute the Australian-born propagandist's templated ravings all you like, but you have to admire his acumen in recognising a niche market for themes the Left finds so edifying. It's all the West's fault, you see. No surprise to find him feted at Sydney University

    Jun 02 2016

    6 mins

  • Comrades: Islamism and the Left

    Once, the left was for the rights of women, minorities and free speech. Now, as we await the next Islamist massacre, its purpose is to weave rationalisations and sophistries into the whole cloth of a dissembling drapery tailored to obscure the obvious

    May 06 2016

    8 mins

  • The Joy of Submission

    More than a year after its publication, the worth of novelist Michel Houellebecq’s "Submission" shines ever brighter, its synthesis of cynicism, seriousness and sadness a jaded reminder that fiction remains stranger than fact, but only just

    Mar 17 2016

    11 mins

  • Islamist Intolerance and Its Useful Idiots

    When it comes to choosing sides, the hard left's anti-Western mindset inevitably trumps respect for the values it otherwise professes to endorse: gender equality, gay rights and opposition to theocratic absolutism, to name but a few. Shame, however, remains an alien concept

    Nov 10 2015

    7 mins

  • Uthman Badar Squares the Circle

    The Islamic firebrand invited by Festival of Dangerous Ideas -- then rapidly dis-invited -- to put the killing of troublesome women in a cultural context has weighed in on the Charlie Hebdo massacre. He disapproves, sort of, while awaiting the day when just deserts are meted out by the law of the land, not "counterproductive" vigilantes

    Jan 12 2015

    10 mins