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Timothy Cootes

Timothy Cootes

The Latest From Timothy Cootes

  • Young, Woke and in Need of Competition

    Those who haven't visited Junkee don't know what they're missing, which isn't much if truth be told, other than the opportunity to observe the tragically hip assuring readers and each other how seriously they take every latest fashion in social justice. Surely it's time for those on the right to get down with the youth and offer unwoke alternatives

    Feb 23 2021

    6 mins

  • Rod Dreher Names the Enemy

    The votaries of social justice and identity politics have created both a “pseudo-religion” and a utopian goal: the liberation of the the oppressed, as so defined. This can only come about through the destruction of everything we have inherited. Keep in mind, though, that new and perhaps contradictory truths may be introduced tomorrow, and we’ll have to believe those too

    Jan 06 2021

    7 mins

  • XX ‘Boys’, XY ‘Girls’ and Their Urgers

    A recent judgment in the UK offered the commonsense opinion that children and teenagers are unable to give informed consent to taking puberty blockers. In Australia, however, the trans movements' advocates have yet to be brought to account

    Dec 09 2020

    7 mins

  • Sally Rugg’s Memoir of Mendacity

    A self-proclaimed 'survivor' and architect behind the campaign for same-sex marriage has written a book recounting how the coup was achieved. The very mistress of intersectional windbaggery, we can assume she has, alas, a bright future in this age of politics underwritten by the Left's preference for insult, slur, harassment and 'virtuous' intolerance

    Jun 16 2020

    8 mins

  • Titania McGrath, the Wokest of the Woke

    British comedian Andrew Doyle's parodic creation, Titania McGrath, is so true to the addled, contradictory and ever-strident social-justice Left, one suspects he missed a more lucrative vocation. Armed with such insight, he would have made the perfect ABC producer

    Nov 23 2019

    7 mins

  • Three Cheers for Nick Riemer, Useful Idiot

    When the Sydney University academic fumes on op-ed pages about the wickedness of the Ramsay Centre and its promotion of the West's great books and thinkers, he does more than illustrate the decline of our tertiary institutions. Better than that, he proves the need for an antidote to the toxic piffle that is his and others' stock in trade

    Apr 14 2019

    5 mins

  • Misandrist Windbaggery as Journalism

    You can't expect much from the Fairfax rags at the best of times -- and it's never the best of times at the company's Daily Life website for readers who value those quaint jounalistic values of fairness, curiosity, preliminary research, straight-bat reporting and, well, sanity

    Sep 26 2018

    5 mins

  • Shame and Sandstone

    ANU turned down the Ramsay Centre’s generous offer, and quite a few doctors and professors at Sydney University now demand their employer do likewise. It seems that having apologists for North Korea and Syria on the payroll is OK, advocates of free inquiry not so much

    Sep 05 2018

    7 mins

  • Highly Educated Idiots

    There on the ABC, right on schedule after the Nice massacre, was an argument for moral equivalence being presented by no less than a full-blown academic from the University of Sydney. It takes that sort of mind to grasp that the US is no different from its Islamist adversaries

    Jul 20 2016

    4 mins