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Timothy Cootes

Timothy Cootes

The Latest From Timothy Cootes

  • Reflections on the Gender Revolution on Campus

    As Macquarie's Professor Sandy O’Sullivan -- pronouns 'they','them' -- rejoices in her seven-figure ARC grant to 'explore Indigenous creativities' and 'challenge the colonial project of gender', other wankademics and administrators are soliciting complaints about 'inappropriate' attitudes. On campus these days gender despotism prevails

    Oct 27 2022

    7 mins

  • A Good Word for the ‘Culturally Unsafe’ Daniel Andrews

    How long, I wonder, before arguments that oppose or even question the Voice to Parliament are deemed to be “culturally unsafe”? To the bill of complaint, the critics might even add that No voters are questioning someone’s right to exist or putting marginalised communities in danger. Not long, I reckon.

    Sep 30 2022

    5 mins

  • Don’t Eat the Bugs

    You may have noticed that today’s progressive activist, busily toiling away at the latest cause, has something like an allergy to merriment. This lack of chirpiness, as Noah Rothman persuasively explains in 'The Rise of the New Puritans', is a mark of pious commitment to the tasks still to do: remaking our entire social, political and cultural order

    Sep 07 2022

    12 mins

  • The CIS-Hetero-Patriarchy Strikes Back

    The latest gender squabble reveals the habitual liars that occupy, most unfortunately, much of the elite media, our educational establishment and the Twitterverse. Cheer up, though. As Sall Grover has just reminded us by prompting Bill Shorten to replace 'birthing parent' with old-fashioned 'mother', trans activists are pleading not to be taken seriously. So, it’s simple: don’t

    Jul 22 2022

    4 mins

  • Do Race Academics Matter?

    Alana Lentin’s 'Why Race Still Matters' is relentlessly dreary, as Western Sydney University's associate professor of cultural and social analysis brings to the topic a heavy reliance on academic twaddle. For this we should be grateful. Noxious piffle is best served when none but the author can endure the ordeal of absorbing it

    Feb 16 2022

    11 mins

  • Invasion Day and its Ardent Firebugs

    The moment defining the annual lament that Australia exists came in 2018, when Tarneen Onus-Williams, of the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR), addressed a rally outside the Victorian Parliament. Amid her hail of obscenities she spluttered, 'F**k Australia, hope it burns to the ground'. She's not the only one with pyro tendencies

    Jan 26 2022

    5 mins

  • Jews Are Dancing. Flee, Luvvies, Flee!

    Israel is a backer of the Sydney Festival, having contributed $20,000 to stage a production by choreographer Ohad Naharin, and this has prompted the usual look-at-me protests by the artsy Left's voluble wankerati. Laugh lustily at their claim that Jews in tights present a threat to their safety -- yes, really -- but also mourn the death of professional curiosity amongst Australia journalists

    Jan 11 2022

    5 mins

  • A Good Word for Melbourne’s Queer Film Festival

    Although they may shudder to hear it from from Quadrant, we should offer three hearty cheers for the organisers and schedulers of the Melbourne Queer Film Festival. For once, when the anti-Zionist cancel mob came howling to have an Israeli film scratched from the programme, the organisers told them what to do with their complaints

    Dec 03 2021

    6 mins

  • Minding Your Language at Monash

    The Age has drawn its readers’ attention to the terrible hardship law student Bonnie Logan has undergone while doing her pre-tutorial readings: unrelenting encounters with 'he' and 'him'. Naturally, The Age being the The Age and Ms Logan being a woke gender warrior, the reputed need for legislation regulating the use of sexist pronouns received a sympathetic airing

    Jul 16 2021

    6 mins