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Timothy Cootes

Timothy Cootes

The Latest From Timothy Cootes

  • A Thank-You Note for the Yes Campaign

    In the spirit of reconciliation, I would like to offer […]

    Sep 27 2023

    10 mins

  • Three Cheers for Marcia Langton & Co

    Don't be too upset when Professor Langton brands you 'racist' or 'stupid', which appears to be a favourite hobby. When it comes to alienating the most voters with the fewest words, she has undoubtedly been one of the most effective assets of the ‘No’ campaign

    Sep 13 2023

    5 mins

  • Helping Us to Vote ‘No’

    If only primary school students could vote, a teary Thomas Mayo writes in the Voice Handbook. Mayo and co-author Kerry O'Brien are to be commended for drawing attention -- albeit accidentally -- to the extent that propaganda has crept into our nation’s schools. I suspect Jacinta Price is still awaiting her invitation to stop by morning assembly and offer a balancing view

    Aug 25 2023

    9 mins

  • Gender Nomads: A Guide for the Perplexed

    Have a happy Non-Binary Awareness Week, which is all about nodding along to the narcissistic delusions of a community with a newly fabricated identity. It’s an occasion for useless academics to lecture the public and show off how cleverly they can rip through taxpayer funds. Finally, it requires everyone else to disregard both grammar and biological reality, declare pronouns at every spare moment and, most challenging of all, avoid rolling one’s eyes

    Jul 14 2023

    6 mins

  • Hairy Man in Silly Dress Cries ‘Respect!’

    Everyone's a critic, especially in regard to the Liberal Party and how it might rise from the depths of its current, voter-lashed despair, with some of the advice on offer actually valuable in an accidental, unintended way. Consider Q&A guest Deni Todorovic, for instance, who has offered to conduct a party room tutorial on the deference required by frocked-up fellows and all others of nomadic gender. The lesson: who cares what Mr Todorovic thinks, says or does

    Apr 05 2023

    5 mins

  • In Defence of the Right to be a Conservative

    John Pesutto, who identifies as the leader of the Victorian Liberals, has moved to expel from the party newly elected MP Moira Deeming for attending, speaking and helping to organise the Let Women Speak rally. If anything of value comes out of this affair, it will be the way in which he has done Premier Daniel Andrews' work for him by drawing wider attention to his utter uselessness as a party leader

    Mar 26 2023

    6 mins

  • The Book Every Australian Needs to Read

    As the Voice campaign intensifies, the Left and the ‘Yes’ advocates are going to accuse opponents of bigotry, racism, white supremacy and many other cheap slurs. When that comes around and the battle be joined in earnest, the intellectual, historical and legal arguments in Beyond Belief's collection of essays will be an invaluable resource

    Feb 08 2023

    6 mins

  • Cheering Observations at an ‘Invasion Day’ Rally

    Should 'yes' carry the referendum, the same radical groups that turned out yesterday to denounce the Voice will have to heeded, placated and bought off. They may oppose the it now, but they’ll still use it to their advantage if Australians are silly enough to present the likes of the Greens' Lidia Thorpe with an opportunity. Why take such a risk?

    Jan 27 2023

    5 mins

  • More Yassmin than Revolution

    As befits an honest reviewer, I shall try to be fair by noting there is one piece in her new book, Talking About a Revolution, with a bit of utopian spark, and it even had me cheering her on. It begins with great promise: 'I fantasise about giving up my Australian passport.'

    Jan 01 2023

    8 mins