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Timothy Cootes

Timothy Cootes

The Latest From Timothy Cootes

  • Clementine Ford’s Community Service

    Accept a silly author's even sillier argument and you will believe marriage is a patriarchal pyre upon which all married women find themselves sooner or later. Accordingly, the sixteenth-century witch-burners and torturers are -- go on, have a guess -- modern husbands

    Aug 25 2024

    7 mins

  • Is it Possible to Loathe the Greens Enough?

    Perhaps better than any other Greens politician, Mehreen Farqi unites the qualities of gormlessness and verbosity. Bear this in mind because not a word of what she had to say on Insiders ought to surprise in the least. Nor for that matter the tepid and pathetic reaction of the Prime Minister, who one can only suspect is reluctant to say a harsh word about the Greens as the prospect of a minority government looms larger

    Jul 11 2024

    5 mins

  • Hate ‘Zionists’? Apply for Your Grant Today!

    Keen to build your bank account and bolster a career? Well, if the grants and contracts secured by Clementine Ford, Evelyn Araluen and Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg are any guide, it won't hurt to join the loud ladies of Australia's very own Hamas women's auxiliary in doxing Jews, spiking criticism of your gang-raping Gaza heroes and yearning for Israel's destruction -- and maybe Australia's too

    Apr 11 2024

    5 mins

  • Academics Attend to Their Jew Diligence

    Israel had not yet tallied the victim of Hamas' orgy of murder and rape, abductions and atrocities before a flying squad of Australian academics raced to raise the green flag and add the weight of their names and reputations, such as they are, to the attack on Israel. For the record and future reference, they even published a 700-strong list of who they are

    Mar 07 2024

    5 mins

  • Invasion Day Misfits Start The Party Early

    There’s really no point in attempting to placate those who hate you and the country we share, as Pat Cummins and other bandwagoneers imagine would happen were the date of Australia Day to change. If the Melbourne vandals who sawed off Captain Cook's statue at the ankles have brought such futility to wider attention, they may accidentally have done a bit of good

    Jan 26 2024

    5 mins

  • Farewell, John Pilger, Lunatic of One Idea

    No obituary has bothered to note that, in addition to his hypocrisy, Pilger viewed al-Qaeda’s 9/11 terrorist atrocity with unmistakable giddiness. 'Their distant voices of rage are now heard,' he announced, 'the daily horrors in faraway brutalised places have at last come home.' America, in other words, deserved precisely what it got

    Jan 08 2024

    5 mins

  • Intifada Dreaming

    The likes of Lidia Thorpe and Gary Foley, as they helpfully remind us, see no moral or practical difference between Israel and Australia. So perhaps we should start to wonder what else they’ve got planned, or what they’re willing to countenance in the fight against 'settler-colonialism' closer to home. This is especially relevant as we navigate post-referendum politics

    Dec 04 2023

    18 mins

  • Suddenly, an Epidemic of Moral Deafness

    Asked what she thought of 'Gas the Jews' being chanted on the Opera House steps, activist Randa Abdel-Fattah first professed to have heard nothing of the sort. Could it be that those ears, so finely tuned for catching 'Islamophobic' utterances, have been rendered defective by the curses and bellows of so many like-minded haters of Israel?

    Oct 26 2023

    4 mins

  • A Rising Generation of Accusers and Incendiarists

    The hope that Noel Pearson might honour his threat to retire to a quiet corner if the Voice is defeated is a cheerful prospect which must in itself have added to the No vote. But the relief will be short-lived as the next crop of angry Indigenes is even more given to flinging insults, inflammatory rhetoric and, not to mince words, urging the destruction of Australia as we know it

    Oct 12 2023

    6 mins