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Tim Wilson

Tim Wilson

The Latest From Tim Wilson

  • COP15: Day 12

    Obama’s short speech to the conference plenary was probably the most insulting and patronising speech delivered by a US President in a long time.

    Dec 19 2009

    3 mins

  • COP15: Day 11

    It’s hard to stand between developing country governments and a pot of gold especially when the obligations that come with it will fall onto their successors.

    Dec 18 2009

    5 mins

  • COP15: Day 10

    Government indifference to serious emissions reduction is driven by political greed because they don’t want to be exposed to the voter policy backlash from actually cutting emissions.

    Dec 17 2009

    5 mins

  • COP15: Day 9

    NGOs don’t actually like being called NGOs. They prefer being referred to as “civil society”.

    Dec 16 2009

    4 mins

  • COP15: Day 8

    Rumours around the conference are that a group of NGOs will try and storm the conference centre to try and get access to political leaders.

    Dec 15 2009

    4 mins

  • COP15: Day 7

    Considering the religious fervour that many climate evangelists bring to the issue Sunday is, appropriately, an official day of rest.

    Dec 14 2009

    3 mins

  • COP15: Day 6

    What was surprising was that the topic of the leaked emails and documents that has prompted ‘Climategate’ didn’t come up in the questions and answers section.

    Dec 13 2009

    3 mins

  • COP15: Day 5

    To make themselves feel important most delegates at international negotiating conferences always talk in acronyms, but at Copenhagen they’re in overdrive.

    Dec 12 2009

    4 mins

  • COP15: Day 4

    Like the debate about climate change in Australia, symbolism over substance is triumphing in Copenhagen and the pledge to make the conference carbon neutral is looking decidedly hard to deliver.

    Dec 11 2009

    4 mins