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Tim Blair


Tim Blair


The Latest From Tim Blair

  • Faking It

    During a valedictory interview on the ABC, Gillian Triggs said of evidence that she had been a little imprecise when answering Senate inquiries: “To a high degree the allegations are false.” Is that not the most beautiful legalistic evasion you’ve ever heard?

    Sep 24 2017

    8 mins

  • Clarity at the Pointy End

    Sixteen years after September 11, the latest attacks in London, Manchester and the Melbourne suburb of Brighton might just be awakening a dormant fury. When even the ABC finds itself using "Islam" and "terrorism" in the same sentence, there is hope reality is finally making itself felt

    Jul 23 2017

    7 mins

  • The Setting of Their Leftist Suns

    Raised in one of Australia’s safest Labor seats and having dutifully voted Labor in every election from 1984 to 1991, my abandonment of the Left proved to be a gradual, multi-step process. For this I must thank my then-fellow leftists who started the ball rolling, as is so frequently the case in these matters

    Jun 17 2017

    8 mins

  • The Useful Idiocy of Gillian Triggs

    It was a source of amused frustration for the late cartoonist Bill Leak that no matter what he did to satirise Triggs in The Australian, the AHRC president would inevitably respond by doing something even more absurd that made Bill’s art seem timid and understated by comparison

    May 18 2017

    8 mins

  • Tabloid Radio

    Radio National sucks down around $15 million from taxpayers every year preaching leftism to leftists. If Jonathan Green sees virtue in profit, let him join us in urging the privatisation of Radio National and the rest of the ABC. 

    Jun 22 2012

    1 mins

  • Thank God for James Delingpole

    Killing the Earth is blessedly graph-free, as arts graduate Delingpole correctly realises that global warming is overwhelmingly a political issue. And also a rich target for jokes.

    May 04 2012

    1 mins

  • Everything explained

    Question: When is the only time that a Muslim isn’t welcome on the panel for the ABC’s Q & A program?

    Apr 17 2012

    1 mins