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Tim Blair


Tim Blair


The Latest From Tim Blair

  • On Bended Knee, Especially in Victoria

    Who will be the last man kneeling? The quaint modern […]

    Feb 26 2021

    8 mins

  • The Nicest Country They Couldn’t Wait to Leave

    Jacinda Ardern's cult following worldwide might have a positive side. As native-born Kiwis honour the ancient tradition of relocating to Bondi as soon as they are able, that outflow could be balanced by admirers moving to Long White Cloudland, thereby creating a leftist-free paradise for the rest of us

    Feb 14 2021

    8 mins

  • Of Peas and Lefty Cues

    The assumption that a job will be completed more rapidly if a greater number of people are assigned to it seems logically sound. The truth, though, is that unless the task is digging ditches, loading bricks or rounding up stray Uyghurs for slave labour and organ harvesting, it doesn’t work that way

    Dec 27 2020

    8 mins

  • TIGged off with Tertiary Education

    Rather than argue the toss when their son chose to take up a career in welding rather than do an arts degree, my friends were elated. They had come to realise -- as have many Australian families -- that modern universities actually subtract knowledge and replace it with politics

    Nov 27 2020

    8 mins

  • The Undisputed Kings of Wrongology

    When it comes to faulty prophecy, journalists take some beating -- especially those like the late Bob Ellis who, hilariously in his case, invest their predictions with various strains of moral preening. If you yearn to make a bookie miserable, harken unto the punditocracy's wisdom and bet otherwise. Now what are they saying about Trump....

    Oct 04 2020

    8 mins

  • Whispers from the Melbourne Underground

    Duty called and I responded. This column was smuggled out […]

    Sep 30 2020

    8 mins

  • Minnesota Floyd and the Cheesecake Revolution

    Australians are generally well-mannered, which is why we overwhelmingly complied with official directives to shutter our businesses, lose our jobs and wages, and cease to enjoy meaningful social lives. All of our sacrifices, we were assured, were necessary steps towards containing the dread China virus. That was then. And now? Well, just look at Victoria

    Aug 05 2020

    8 mins

  • Nixon Doesn’t Go to China

    Left-leaning journalists of recent decades perform a cute little two-step. First they demonise their targeted white conservative as a wicked Nixonian figure, and then they commence what they imagine to be an honourable Watergate-style destruction of that target

    Jul 08 2020

    8 mins

  • Locked Down and Loving It

    However readers and their families have dealt with lockdown and quarantine, I hope at least some have found moments of happiness. Like my grandfather, who fondly recalled his weeks of sheltering with mates from a polio epidemic, everybody should enjoy it while they can. The next few years may prove especially challenging

    May 23 2020

    8 mins