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Tim Blair


Tim Blair


The Latest From Tim Blair

  • How Do You Say ‘Onanists’ in Atlassian?

    In earlier times, literary types might have stepped in to condemn the perverse abuse of simple communication. But in 2022, they are on the same team as our tech titan overlords, who appear to be labouring under the misconception that making a mint out of the dot-squiggle-cyber stuff entitles them to determine which words must be banished from the language

    Feb 12 2022

    8 mins

  • Fallen Leaders Fit for the Ignoratorium

    The Apollo 11 moon mission remains one of the greatest […]

    Nov 30 2021

    8 mins

  • Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Woke

    If ever you learn your children are being subjected to the offensive inanities foisted on innocent kids by the ABC's 'The School That Tried to End Racism', make it your parental duty to stress that visiting race hucksters aren't teachers, deserve politeness but not respect and, most of all, that they make wonderful targets for irreverent sarcasm. Get to it, young 'uns!

    Nov 28 2021

    8 mins

  • Snooze Time at the Australian Bludging Corporation

    As Kabul was being effortlessly overrun, genuine news organisations dropped everything to produce history's first draft. But at the ABC no such urgency was evident, as it took three whole weeks for Four Corners' taxpayer-funded layabouts to figure out how best to package Joe Biden's debacle and America's humiliation. No surprise, it was Donald Trump's fault

    Oct 24 2021

    8 mins

  • Revenge of the Gutted Bunny

    Techuciztecatl, the Aztec moon god, is said to have acquired those craters when his fellow gods smacked him in the face with a rabbit following some kind of lunar deity dispute. Having suffered something similar at the hands of a careless uncle, I can sympathise while also endorsing our CHOs: being in lockdown keeps you safe from COVID, common sense and, yes, dead rabbits

    Oct 01 2021

    8 mins

  • The Hermit Kingdom of Danistan

    It was easier during the Cold War for an Australian to drop in on the commie prison state of East Germany than it is now for a native Victorian to visit the state of his birth. Apart from a few quick blips when the panic recedes and restrictions are relaxed, Melbourne is as difficult to enter as it was for East Berlin’s brutalised citizens to leave

    Aug 07 2021

    8 mins

  • A Rotting Apple Brings Out The Grubs

    Under incompetent Democrat rule, random violence is back in fashion across New York. Unlike Rudy Giuliani's time as mayor, the current administration subscribes to the Big Apple equivalent of Labor’s approach to illegal immigration: can’t fix it, so stop trying. The result, of course, is chaos and decline

    Jun 20 2021

    8 mins

  • A Virus That Leaves Even Less Trace Than Turnbull

    The unlamented former PM's climate mania has spawned any number of humiliating rejections, the latest in the Hunter byelection, yet he can't absorb what simple farm creatures very quickly grasp about electric fences. Rather than acknowledge voters don't want his grand green schemes, he keeps grabbing the live wire with both hands

    May 25 2021

    8 mins

  • Ernest Shackleton’s Shame: Penguin Lives Matter

    The polar explorer's feats of bravery, daring and perseverance are as nothing by the standards of today's social justice warriors. Not only did his expeditions exalt Antarctic colonialism, he was male, white. heterosexual, and he didn’t, so far as anyone knows, struggle with issues of gender dysmorphia. Could any oppressor be more odious?

    Apr 25 2021

    8 mins