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Tim Blair


Tim Blair


The Latest From Tim Blair

  • Enough with the Twitter apocalypse already

    Media Watch host Paul Barry, poor chap, dedicated an entire segment of his expensive little vanity program to the Twitter buyout and he wasn't happy. Elon Musk, he whined, is 'the billionaire bully who’s taken over the town square'. Apparently he believes that once a media organ, institution or anything else has been conquered and colonised by leftoids it must stay that way forever

    Dec 24 2022

    8 mins

  • More Twisted Than a Corgi’s Bung Leg

    Leftists immediately took the opportunity of the Queen's death to compete with each other too see who could provide the most distasteful response. Greens leader Adam Bandt, as might be expected, was quick out of the blocks, but his bile was but a preview of worse to come. By the time the AFLW canned its minute of silence, the Left was dancing on Her Majesty grave

    Oct 07 2022

    8 mins

  • When a Column is a Steaming Pile

    Three sure-fire ways to save a great deal of time: […]

    Aug 30 2022

    8 mins

  • Our New Treasurer’s Credit Crunch

    Something happened to newly installed Treasurer Jim Chalmers a few days after the May 21 election, when he suddenly discovered a previous government could indeed be blamed for conditions inherited by a new government. This perspective neatly inverted his initial eagerness to claim credit for the more cheerful aspects of Morrison & Co's economic management

    Aug 13 2022

    8 mins

  • Media, Menses, Mental

    Even motherhood is now controversial. In Sydney this year, a number of pre-schools held 'parents’ day' parties instead of celebrating Mother’s Day. That’s where we are in 2022: motherhood is considered so divisive and offensive that it must not be mentioned.

    Jul 05 2022

    8 mins

  • The Curse of Lefty Lady Love

    What manner of Labor Treasurer might Jim Chalmers prove to […]

    Jun 30 2022

    8 mins

  • They Won’t Glow … or Seek to Know

    The Left’s complexity fetish infects all social and political realms. To test this, mention nuclear power to one of your bolshie friends and brace for a blizzard of convoluted objections that can claim no more than a nodding acquaintance with logic or fact. After that aural ordeal, eyes glazed and verging on narcolepsy, you won't dare ask when it became official than men can have babies

    May 29 2022

    8 mins

  • The Left-Brained Compulsion to Buy Bridges

    Be it a vengeful Gaia poised to fry us all, a black actor's stage-managed bashing at the hands of purported Donald Trump supporters or the notion that one can change sex at will, nothing is too fanciful for the Left to embrace if fellow groupthinkers are doing it too. Whatever the source of such eager gullibility, the result is simply stated: this mob just can’t think straight

    Apr 29 2022

    8 mins

  • The Constitutional Scholar with a Machete

    The agitated gentleman with the very large knife impressively resisted attempts to load him into a police van. Much of his yelling was muffled or obscure, but he did make one final, very clear call. 'This,' he bellowed, 'is a violation of my First, Second and Third Amendment rights!' Such logic eluded the arresting officers, who slammed the divvy van and restored silence to the Melbourne night

    Apr 02 2022

    8 mins