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Tim Blair


Tim Blair


The Latest From Tim Blair

  • When Taxpayers are the Muse

    To qualify as art, it must be government funded -- but it must not express any gratitude for that funding by delivering anything able to impress or delight a normal Australian taxpayer. Instead, proper tax-funded art should challenge and provoke middle-class normies, preferably to the point of making them feel sick

    Nov 24 2023

    8 mins

  • If This is a Typical Yes-Voting Family…

    Ex-BBC correspondent Nick Bryant, writing for the SMH, raves about the Yes TV ad's multi-generational leftoid clan and Farnham’s 'You're the Voice' soundtrack. You couldn't make this up: a British fellow’s gushing approval of a song written by four fellow Brits and performed by a bloke who grew up in Britain -- all this in the name of Australian Aborigines

    Oct 11 2023

    8 mins

  • Cold, Heartless, Joy-Sucking Ignorance Intensifiers

    When I dropped by the Museum of Sydney, various anti-white artworks were on show. One of them was a colourful piece bearing the words “Are you f****** kidding me”, which for many attendees would accurately summarise their entire experience. Indeed, the coarse-minded among us would be mouthing those words long before seeing them

    Sep 23 2023

    8 mins

  • The Sporting Codes’ Own Goal

    Naturally, being emotionally exploitative, politically compromised and horribly woke, the AFL joined the NRL, Football Australia, Netball Australia, Tennis Australia, Cricket Australia, Rugby Australia and everything else with an 'Australia' suffix to back the Yes vote. It's amazing how much obedience large grants and a new stadium or two can buy

    Aug 11 2023

    4 mins

  • Covidiocy, Complicity and Corruptocrat Joe

    If ever you’re in a situation where certain unpleasant realities must be confronted, the trick is to go vague. Joe Biden has made nebulosity -- indeed, incoherence -- his guiding policy. Likewise our current Prime Minister, who might have specified how the Voice would work but has chosen instead to serve up nothing but mega-gusts of wind and waffle

    Jul 20 2023

    16 mins

  • The Various Shades of Shame

    Though painful to endure, shame and embarrassment are nevertheless extremely […]

    Apr 28 2023

    8 mins

  • One the Whole, I’ve Had Better Nights

    Who knew a near-lifetime of smoking, drinking and eating whatever I pleased would somehow advance the whole cardiac drama timeline?Thus it was that wife Nadia drove a barely-ambulatory me to hospital as intermittent pain radiated across my jaw and both arms tingled. Sensibly, she had scotched my intention to crawl between the sheets and sleep it off. Seriously, that was my plan. It would have been a very long sleep

    Apr 16 2023

    8 mins

  • Every Conservative is Worse than Previous Conservatives

    There is an established pattern which will soon focus on Peter Dutton, who has not yet been framed by the Left as worse than Scott Morrison. But that will come as surely as the sun rises in the morning, with the Coalition leader certain to be denounced as the worst and most repugnant creature since Tony Abbott, who was worse than John Howard. Conservative evil is not identified by specific acts but by sequence

    Mar 11 2023

    8 mins

  • Judge, Jury, Trial? Phooey to All That

    During the past few years, much of Australia somehow forgot about the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven in a court of law. In the case of Bruce Lehrmann, the young man who was accused of raping Brittany Higgins, many of us, including Scott Morrison, entirely forgot to do this. The same applies to prominent media clowns and any number of Twitter social justice warriors

    Feb 01 2023

    8 mins