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Tim Andrews

Tim Andrews

The Latest From Tim Andrews

  • A Case of Patent Absurdities

    Stripping companies of the time needed to regain development costs serves no one's interest -- not even opponents of extended protection for research-intensive pharmaceutics. Their lives and longevity, as with us all, might one day hang on the very same advances their protests now seek to crimp

    Apr 16 2015

    4 mins

  • Should We Legalise Drugs?

    Even those unswayed by classical liberal arguments on behalf of individual choice must accept that prohibition has not only failed, but failed miserably. Worse, attempts to control personal behaviour have served as a de facto price-maintenance scheme for organised crime

    Jul 16 2014

    4 mins

  • Conroy must be stopped!

    Of all its assaults on decency, honesty, competence and common sense, Communication Minister Stephen Conroy's assault on free speech represents this dying government at its lowest and most contemptible

    Mar 13 2013

    4 mins