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Terry Barnes

Terry Barnes

The Latest From Terry Barnes

  • Peris and Her Privacy

    Quadrant Online contributors, gentle and well-mannered folk, sometimes find themselves at odds. In December's Quadrant, just published, Keith Windschuttle and Tom Switzer disagree about Australia's role in bringing ISIS to heel. Now there is discord between Philippa Martyr and Terry Barnes over Nova Peris

    Nov 01 2014

    5 mins

  • David Cameron’s Forlorn Hope

    The British PM still talks about the likelihood that his Conservatives can claim a majority at the 2015 election, but simple arithmetic makes that a slim possibility. If only the UK had an an Australian-style preferential system, those UKIP upstarts would not represent an almost insurmountable obstacle

    Mar 13 2014

    5 mins

  • Dutton On The Button

    The Health Minister seeks to preserved the best of what we have and make better use stretched resources. His ideological enemies aim to strangle this essential debate at birth. They must not be allowed to prevail

    Feb 24 2014

    4 mins

  • Friendly Advice For A New PM…

    Mere competence represents a vast improvement on the shambles of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years, but if Tony Abbott is to fulfill his potential as one of the great Prime Ministers he will need to resolve his government's teething problems and get his own house in order

    Dec 16 2013

    5 mins

  • Spring Street’s Unstoppable Circus

    A snap election would almost certainly end the chaos that has made Victoria's lower house a crucible of impotent fury. Alas, a fixed-term provision in the state's Constitution stops voters bringing down the curtains on a sad and tangled farce

    Nov 20 2013

    4 mins

  • Welcome to Humbug Country

    Real action and decisive leadership on Indigenous affairs, like the Howard government’s intervention in the Northern Territory or Noel Pearson’s outstanding work in Cape York, are what truly matters

    Nov 14 2013

    5 mins

  • Vanstone makes an unlikely auditor

    On Tuesday, Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance minister Mathias “Terminator” […]

    Oct 24 2013

    6 mins

  • A little history lesson for Abbott & Co

    Sooner or later Labor will get its act together. When that happens, the Coalition would be well advised to have a fresh battleplan at the ready

    Oct 07 2013

    4 mins

  • Tony Abbott, an admirably ordinary bloke

    Those who watched Annabel Crabb's kitchen-counter encounter with the man who would be our next PM, saw a relaxed, open, honest and reflective Australian. We are likely to see more of him

    Sep 06 2013

    5 mins