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Tanya Rosecky

Tanya Rosecky

The Latest From Tanya Rosecky

  • Feminist Enablers of Indigenous Violence

    A certain kind of feminist will skate over the outrages suffered by Aboriginal women in communities where elements of traditional culture prevail. One guesses it is more fun to dress David Morrison in high heels and applaud his denunciations of the innocuous term 'guys'

    Jun 19 2017

    10 mins

  • Racism’s Real and Relentless Villains

    An ABC interviewer was floored recently when her guest, a man of Aboriginal heritage, begged to differ with Warren Mundine's call to change the date of Australia Day. Her shock was understandable, as it is the peddlers of victimhood who hog the nation's microphones

    Mar 02 2017

    6 mins

  • Black Lives Don’t Matter

    No activist of the sort the ABC keeps on speed dial will admit as much, but their refusal to address the dreadful circumstances of so many women and kids in so many dysfunctional communities says it all. Why talk of grog and violence when there is a cartoonist to crucify?

    Dec 08 2016

    7 mins